A Planned Love Story.

Kingsley is one of the finest guys on campus. No matter how much you dislike men, if you ever get to see Kingsley, you will fall in love with his look if you don’t finally fall in love with him. He dresses up so well, very brilliant in class and always being reasonable. Kingsley never talks out of point.
He is always on point and sometimes organize tutorial classes for his classmates so they could learn from him. He wasn’t doing it for money. He’s educationally talented and feels he could share what he has or what he knows with his classmates. Some of them call him Guru. He was a full spec because he had all the qualities of a boyfriend.

Karissa and Olivia are very good friends. They were the top brilliant girls in class too and they felt there was no need to attend Kingsley’s tutorial classes since they were enough for themselves.
One day, Karissa suggested that they both attend Kingsley’s lesson to see what he’s teaching them. When the lesson ended, Kingsley approached Karissa and Olivia. He thanked them a lot for showing up and exchanged contacts with Olivia.
They began talking online and they were always talking about school, class and teaching each other what they didn’t know.
After a while, Kingsley got tired of being formal with Olivia all the time so he suggested that they could go into a romantic relationship.
Olivia didn’t utter a word even though she knew what she wanted to say. There is no way Kingsley will woo a woman and she won’t fall in love with him. She accepted the proposal without any delay and they began their love journey.


Their love journey had a comma. Olivia was always the one giving Kingsley money. If they ever go on a date, Olivia will be the one to pay. She didn’t really take it seriously because she wasn’t working and she has a very wealthy father who gives her all she wants and needs so why should be bother but it was beginning to get too much. Kingsley is always needing one thing or the other and it got tiring until Olivia made a statement and said;
I don’t think this relationship will continue to work because all we do is making love and me giving you money. There is absolutely nothing you do for me so what’s the essence of the relationship? Zero
Kingsley got annoyed by those words and chose not to talk to his girlfriend.

Olivia was full of love and Karissa advised that she begged him since she embarrassed him so much. She begged him and the relationship continued but nothing changed. All that was happening is that Olivia gives Kingsley money all the time and she doesn’t know what he does with the money until one day.
Olivia stepped out of the room to go get something outside the campus. She wanted to surprise Karissa by buying her shawarma and on her way back to the hostel, she overheard Karissa and Kingsley talking in the room. She heard her best friend’s voice say that…
I can’t wait for us to flaunt ourselves. Babe, just make sure you collect enough money from her so that we’d be able to start a new life when we graduate from the university and they both laughed.

Olivia was shocked and almost fainted. It was an ah ha moment for her because she trusted Karissa so much but Karissa ruined the friendship by planning with Kingsley to date Olivia so they could make money from her.
She opened the door and Kingsley and Karissa tried to change the topic. Olivia confronted the both of them and promised not to ever be friends with Karissa and also ended the relationship with Kingsley right away. They stopped being friends. It was a very lovely time for Olivia but she could cope with her single and lonely life. She found it difficult to make friends again.


When their classmates heard what happened between the two girls, they were also shocked because they never believed it could happen. It would have been better if Karissa begged Olivia for money but she didn’t. All she thought of doing was planning with her real boyfriend so they could use her as a source of income.
Due to that reason, a lot of people stopped attending Kingsley’s tutorial classes because they saw him as a betrayer as there was no reason to be friends with someone like that.

Thanks for reading my story.

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