Jonson's Breakthrough.

Jonson is an applicant looking for a job. He is seen with his luggage in a motor pack about to travel. But before he could move to where he can book for a vehicle he heard a voice, “help him”. He turns around to see who spoke behind him but nobody around seems to have anything to do with him at all.

Picture credit: Designed and exported from CorelDRAWX3 by myself.

And so, he ignores the voice, by the time he took two steps forward; he hears the same voice again and this time, it is louder “please helps him”. In the state of this nervousness where somebody is talking amidst plenty people around and it seems you are the only one hearing the person, Jonson decides not to move for a while. He stands there without moving for ten minutes, literally feeling afraid because people are moving around but no one seems to have any concern with him.

By the time he noticed nothing, he went and book a vehicle and was directed to enter into the vehicle. He went in and sits in worrying. Not quite long, a man comes by the vehicle, and he said, “Please I need help with a cell phone to call my family” everybody is just looking at him without helping him.

Jonson takes out his phone and gives it to the man and he dials a number only to discover that Jonson is not having a call credit.
He returns Jonson’s phone to him and cries out again. “Please I need help to get to my home town, it is a matter of life or death” when he calls the name of his home town and Jonson discovers that the Man’s home town is exactly the town he is traveling to. After a serious ponder of the voice he heard before, the voice sounds again twice in the ears “help him” Jonson comes down from the vehicle, takes out his booking ticket and gives it to this man, asking him to take his place in the vehicle.

This man is very surprise at what Jonson had done, He asked, “are you too not going for something important to you?” Jonson replied and said to him, “I was going for something important; to look for a job, but yours is a matter of life or death. You just go”. The man shakes his head in tears as the vehicle moves. And Jonson goes back home with mix feeling all over him, you couldn’t tell whether he is sad or happy but there is something that tells us about him, that he feels fulfill to have solved somebody else’s problem.

Picture credit: Designed and exported from CorelDRAWX3 by myself.

A week later, Jonson received a call for an official job interview in that same town he was to travel to, in search for a job. By the time He gets there, he discover that the Company that wants to hire him is owned by the first son of the man he had helped in the Motor Park. Jonson was made the Head-Manager of that company with benefits of an official car, a driver a house and daily monetary allowance. Jonson burst into tears, but it was tears of joy anyways. While in that atmosphere, he hears a loud voice again “you helped him” and he shouted, “oh yes I did”

                                           THE END
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