Clown To Be

There's a small-town boy named Zaviyar. Zaviyar came to the city after completing his degree in business administration in search of a job. Zaviyar belongs to a middle-class family his dressing sense is not elite like others in town his skin tone is also wheaty and he is a little chubby. He came to the city and decided to live in the boy's hostel so he would be rented less than taking a flat on rent to live here he doesn't have much money to waste on food and a living place. he was just in a hurry to find a job for himself.

When Zaviyar came to the hostel he saw that he had room number 115 on the 5th floor he asked for a lift because he had a lot of luggage with him. Zaviyar was not even treated well by the workers present there they all judged him due to his looks. He asks for a lift from the worker randomly moping the ground floor. Excuse me! I have a lot of luggage with me and I got the keys to room number 115 on the fifth floor would you like to give me a lift card or something else? He ignored him quietly doing his work. Zaviyar asked again. He replied "Lift is not available for everyone like you carry your luggage and go upstairs by yourself.

Zaviyar who never met this kind of person before because he had never gone to town before. He was disappointed by the behavior of everyone here. He feels weird and alone in a new environment. He was immersed in his thoughts when he saw a boy using the lift to go upstairs. He asks him for a lift. He replied, "Yeah sure come in". That boy was his new roommate they both are unaware of this.

They reached the fifth floor he helped him carry his luggage out of the lift. he helped Zaviyar. Finally, someone helped him. He was happy about this. Zaviyar started a conversation with that boy. But that boy said, "Sorry buddy I'm in a hurry we are in the same hostel and will meet again soon here is the card today is a party at our hostel i would like it if you join us today". Zaviyar smiled and held a card saying "I will come Thank you " Zaviyar confidently spoke in English, although his accent was not perfect.

Zaviyar happily went to his room. Unlock it set him all language and check his phone to see which job interview he has tomorrow. Then he slept because he was already tired and he had to attend a party at night. when he woke up he wore his new dress for the party and saw a card with an address in which his name was mentioned as "WELCOME TO BOYS HOSTEL ZAVIYAR" The address was also mentioned. This makes him tense but he thought that might be a welcome party.

When Zaviyar reaches the party place. He found out nothing there a simple door which was closed. He knocks on the door. That lift boy opened the door with a smile on his face. Zaviyar smiles back and enters the room. He saw a gang of boys inside sitting by making a circle. Zaviyar was afraid but he was confident that he was with that kind boy who helped him. They all were watching Zaviyar. Zaviyar said "HI" to everyone there. One boy calmly invites Zaviyar to sit with them. Zaviyar was about to sit they moved his chair and said "Who told you to sit on a chair? Sit on the floor". Zaviyar shockingly saw that lift boy who was smiling like a devil as he was successful in his mission. These all are hostel boys who form a gang to bully Zaviyar. Zaviyar sat down on the floor suddenly a boy appeared with the costume of a clown and some makeup they were about to make Zaviyar a clown. The tear shed from his eyes. He was quietly sitting on the floor they made him into a clown. They bully him a lot. make his video and upload on social media. His video got millions of views and likes.

That night was unforgettable for Zaviyar later when he came to his room he got to know that the boy was his roommate. He tries to change his room but as always gets disappointed. Zaviyar will never forget what happened to him that night. how they humiliate him. The next day Zaviyar went out early morning to seek a job. Today he had an interview when he went for the interview everyone there was watching him as his video went viral on the internet as a clown. Zaviyar entered for an interview the boss who hired the candidates rejected him without checking his abilities and said "We don't want people who do these things to get fame in one night" He didn't want to discuss that again so he moved out quietly. Zaviyar similarly goes for all interviews he selected for himself but didn't get a job. After losing his all hopes he went for his last interview. the last interviewer also rejected him when he was near the door to go outside he stopped him by saying " I watched your viral video did you want to work for me?" He was hopeless but hope arose from "Did u want to work for me" He replied "Yes sir" He told him that today was my daughter's birthday and she loved to have a clown at her birthday party would you like to be my daughter's party clown/? He replies "Yes I will because he wants money to be sent to his house moreover he doesn't have money to live here for many days he needs urgent money he makes a deal with the boss and asks him for money first so that he can send it to his home. Zaviyar now convenience himself to be a clown he never expected being a clown would give him that much money his house members were very happy that finally, Zaviyar got the job in the city but they didn't know what he do. Zaviyar's parents married him to a girl from their small town she was very beautiful and decent. They marry within 2 months and Zaviyar and his wife move to the city as he has a job there. Zaviyar's wife always asks her what did you do? What's your job?? but he never tells her After 2 years of marriage they have a daughter Zaviayr is now a father of a daughter. He was afraid of being a clown what if he r daughter got to know his father was a clown?? A CLOWN. Everyone will bully her.

Years passes one day Zaviyar went to his daughter school as clown. He saw his daughter bullying clown due to his appearance color and makeup. He remove makeup from his face and tell her daughter that he is also a clown to whom you are teasing. Zaviyar daughter feel guilty for what she did and she apologize and promise her father to not to judge anyone from their looks. Zaviyar was happy that now her wife and daughter know his job what he did and they are satisfied with it. Zaviyar become life time clown.

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