Trapped in the screen temptation

Photo by Andres Ayrton

"Obsession with the lives of others can lead us to lose sight of our own lives." Daniel J. Levitin

One day, while Samantha was watching an episode of "La Isla de las Tentaciones" in her living room, she received a call from her best friend, Emily.

-Hi Sam, how are you?" said Emily in her characteristic cheerful voice.

-Hi Em, I'm fine, how are you?

-I'm fine, thanks. Listen, I have a proposition for you, would you like to go out for a drink tonight? I know you've been really busy with the show lately, and I thought it would be nice for you to get out and have some fun.

Samantha was silent for a few seconds, trying to decide if she should accept the invitation. On the one hand, she knew Emily was right, and that she needed to unwind a bit from her obsession with "La Isla de las Tentaciones." But on the other hand, she didn't want to miss a single detail of the episode she was watching.

-Sam? Are you there? -Emily asked on the other end of the line.

-Yeah, sorry. It's just that I'm watching the show right now, and I don't know if I should go out.

-Come on, Sam, I promise you'll have a good time. Besides, this episode is going to be repeated over and over again over the next few days. You're not missing anything.

Samantha sighed, and finally agreed to go out with her friend.

-Okay, you're right. I'll go out with you. Where do you want to go?

-Great! We'll go to a bar that just opened downtown. I hear it's really good.

Samantha said goodbye to Emily, and after turning off the TV, she headed to the bathroom to spruce up a bit before heading out. She brushed her hair, put on her makeup and put on a dress she had bought a while ago and hadn't had a chance to wear yet.

When she arrived at the bar, Emily was sitting at a table by the window, with a couple of margaritas in front of her. Samantha walked over to the table, smiling, and sat down across from her friend.

-Hi, how are you doing," asked Emily.

-I'm fine, thank you. I'm glad to finally be out of the house.

-I'm glad you came. What would you like to drink?

-Same as you, please.

Emily motioned to the waiter, and promptly poured them two more margaritas.

They talked for a while about work, family and friends. Samantha tried to stay focused on the conversation, but couldn't help but feel a little anxious about what was going on in the show at that moment.

Suddenly, Emily interrupted.

-Hey, what's the matter with you? You seem a little distracted.

-It's nothing, I'm just a little tired.

-Come on, you're not fooling me. I know you're thinking about La Isla de las Tentaciones. Can't you stop thinking about the show even for one night?

Samantha blushed, embarrassed at being caught.

-I'm sorry, you're right. I can't help it, I'm just obsessed with the show.

-I know, Sam. And it worries me. Do you realize you're losing touch with reality? You can't spend all your free time watching TV and talking about a reality show. You need to unplug and live your own life.

Samantha sighed, feeling a little overwhelmed.

-I know, I know. I just love "La Isla de las Tentaciones." It makes me feel like I'm living vicariously through the contestants.

-But that's not a real life, Sam. You need to stop obsessing about the show and start living your own life. How about we start tonight? Leave your cell phone in your purse, and enjoy our night together.

Samantha smiled, grateful to have such an understanding friend.

-Okay, you're right. I'll leave the cell phone in the bag. Let's enjoy the evening.

They continued to talk and laugh for the rest of the night, enjoying the music, food and drinks at the bar. Samantha began to feel more relaxed and happy than she had in a long time, and began to realize that she had been missing out on some of the most important things in life because of her obsession with "La Isla de las Tentaciones."

Finally, when the bar closed, Emily suggested they walk around a bit before heading home.

-What do you say we go to the park? It's still open, and we could take a walk before heading back.

Samantha accepted the proposal, and together they walked through the park, enjoying the cool evening breeze and the sound of crickets.

Suddenly, Emily stopped and turned to Samantha.

-Hey, Sam, I want you to know that I'll always be here for you. You can always count on me, no matter what.

Samantha was touched, feeling grateful to have such a good friend.

-Thank you, Em. It means a lot to me to have someone like you in my life.

Emily smiled at her, and together they walked on, enjoying their time together.

After a few minutes, Emily stopped again and pointed to a bench in the distance.

-What do you say we sit down for a while? We can talk some more before we head home.

Samantha agreed, and together they sat on the bench, enjoying the fresh air and the sound of nature around them.

For the next few minutes, they talked about their dreams and desires, and how much their friendship meant to them.

Finally, Emily stood up and stretched.

-Well, Sam, I think it's time to go home. It's been an amazing evening, and I'm glad we spent the night together.

Samantha stood up, feeling grateful and happy.

-Yes, it has been an amazing night. Thank you for getting me out of the house and enjoying real life.

Emily smiled at her and gave her a hug.

-Don't ever hesitate to call me if you need anything, okay?

Samantha nodded, feeling more connected to her friend than ever before.

-I know, and the same goes for you. I'll always be here for you.

With a final smile, they said goodbye, promising to keep in touch and spend more time together.

On the way home, Samantha realized that, although she still loved "La Isla de las Tentaciones," there was so much more to life than just watching a reality show. She realized that her friendship with Emily was one of the most important things in her life, and vowed to spend more time cultivating real relationships and enjoying all that life had to offer.

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