Ramadan ( poor and rich people)


It was the second day of fasting, and everywhere preparations were being made for Iftar. But there was one house where there was nothing for Iftar.

"Father, will there be just a few dates and water in the iftar like yesterday? Will nothing good happen to us?" Ahmed asked his father.

"Ahmed, how are you asking this question to your father? You were told yesterday that we should be happy in every situation. But you started again." Ayesha scolded Ahmed and said.

"Why are you scolding my child? He has the right to question. Ahmed, come here to me." Ali pointed to Ahmed and said.

"Baba, I am right. When I went to school, everyone talked about what they had eaten in Iftar yesterday. And I went to the side." Ahmed said while going to Ali.

"Why did my son go to the side? You had to sit next to them." Ali said while sitting Ahmed on his lap.

"Baba, when everyone was praising their iftar, what would I say there? That is how I broke my fast with a date and a glass of water. Baba, will they respect me again after knowing it?" Ahmad said looking at his father.

"Son never run away from the truth. This is all a part of life. Look, we still broke the fast with dates and water. But there are people in this world who do not have this luck either." Ali. said while loving Ahmed.

"I also explain the same thing to him every day, but he does not understand anything. Maybe he will understand what you are saying." Ayesha said while holding a broom.

"But father, when everyone is having a good Iftar, why can't we do it? My friend Qasim eats so much in his house even without Iftar. And we are the ones who don't eat anything even in Iftar." Ahmad said innocently.

"Ahmed, you know that it has been three months now that your father has not found any job and you are saying this, you're not a kid anymore." Ayesha said while going towards Ahmed.

"Ayesha you started again. My lovely son, I am going to pray, and don't worry you will eat something good in Iftar. Happy now?" Ali said while kissing Ahmed.

Ali went to the mosque to pray.



On the other hand, in Qasim's house there was talk of iftar too. But here everything was reversed.

"Mama, I didn't like the sandwiches you made yesterday. Make something better today. Otherwise, I will order something from outside." Qasim said while passing the stuff to Sadia.

"Hey, why don't you make good food for my child? Why am I earning, for you people? Well Qasim, if my child doesn't like food, you can order from outside." Asif entered the house and said.

"You have put him on your head because of your pampering. I can't make this good food. You have to order something from outside. My life will die from the kitchen." Sadia said while sitting on the sofa.

"Well, I will come after praying. Son, let's go and pray." Asif said while going out of the house.

"I'm playing a video game. I'll go later." Qasim said while going to his room.

On the other hand, Ali goes out in search of a job after praying. So that he can get good money and take something good for his child in Iftar.

"I will go to Rehan's mansion. There is always some work in his mansion. I will do any kind of work." Ali said while talking to himself.

"Hey brother, where are you going?" It was the voice of Asif who was going to pray.

"Nowhere, Asif. You know how many months it has been, and I have not been able to find good work. It is difficult to make ends meet. Today Ahmed has asked me to take something good for Iftar. I am going to, Mr. Rehan. Maybe I will get some work." Ali narrated the whole incident to Asif.

"Where will you work while fasting? If you don't mind, I will give you some money, to take something nice for Ahmed in Iftar from me." Asif placed his hand on Ali's shoulder and said.

"No, Asif. You said it's enough for me. But I can't take this money. I will do labor somewhere. You don't worry about me." Ali said with a long breath.

"I didn't mean that, what do you understand? I just want to help you." Asif said while presenting his cleaning.

"Yes, yes. I know your intention is not wrong. But I want to give my child something from my hard-earned money." Ali said with a smile.

Saying this, Ali left from there. Asif stood there and started thinking about something.

"What do you think, Mother, that Baba will bring something good in the Iftar? Or else he will shout at me and leave." Ahmad said with a frown.

"If your father has gone after saying that he will bring something, then it means that he will fulfill his words. Now don't stress too much on your mind." Ayesha said sternly.

" First of all, don't scold me for everything. How many times did my father say not to scold me?" Ahmad said with a smile.

"Okay okay. Go ahead and look where your baba has gone." Ayesha said to Ahmad.

On the other hand, Asif was standing cross-legged and thinking about something. He suddenly stopped Ali.
"Ali listen for a minute." Asif said in a loud voice.

"Asif, I'm getting late now. If I leave on time, I'll bring the money after working, right?" There are a few hours left for Iftar." Ali replied.

"Yes. I have to talk to you in this regard. I have a job for you. Do it and get paid accordingly. Your need will also be fulfilled and my work will also be done." Asif addressed Ali and said.

"If there is such a thing, then tell me what is the work, and I will do it." Ali went towards Asif.

"You know that Allah has given me a lot. And every Ramadan I distribute some important goods of Ramadan like oil, sugar, etc to the poor people. I have bought these for some people. I will tell you their names and addresses." Asif said while attracting Ali.

"You are doing a great good deed. Allah will surely reward you for it. Tell me where the goods are and I will deliver them to people's homes." Ali said enthusiastically.
" You do one thing. You reach my house. Wait for me there. I will come to you in five minutes after praying." Asif said while going to the mosque.

Asif went to the mosque and Ali went to Asif's house and on reaching there he waited for Asif.

'Qasim, will you go pray or not?" Your father will be angry.
"Leave this mobile and go for prayer." Sadia said angrily.

"OK mom going. Here is your mobile." Qasim left the mobile and went outside.

" Hey Ali Uncle, what are you doing here? Don't take Ahmad with you." Qasim looked at Ali and said.

*"Yes, son, your father was saying, he has some work for me. He will be there after praying. Ahmed had some work at home, that's why he couldn't come. And tell me where you are going."" Ali said. Giving love to Qasim said.

' I am going to pray. Well, Ahmad was very quiet in school today. I called him but he did not answer and left there." Qasim said while leaning against the wall.

"I will definitely go home and ask him about this. And tell me what you will eat for Iftar." Ali said twisting the word.

"I said at home that I would order from outside. I don't like home food that much. Baba was saying to order whatever you want." Qasim said smiling.

** In such a long time, Asif left after praying and stood next to Ali.**

"Yes, Asif. Tell me where are the sacks. Then it will be enough time." Ali said while addressing Asif.

"Well, give me a minute. Qasim, what are you doing standing here? Go inside. I have work with Ali." Asif said, attracting Ali.
" I am going to pray, do what you have to do. Bye-bye." Qasim said while leaving.

"Ali come with me. Look at these six sacks. And this is the list of the houses you have given. You know all of them. Just give the goods and come back. And yes, if someone asks where this came from, don't mention my name at all. Just say that I do not know". Asif said while explaining to Ali.

"Asif, but why not take your name. They should know who is helping them." Ali said questioningly.

"No, I don't want my name to be mentioned. Allah will reward me. Don't delay now and finish the work quickly." And I will give you your compensation. Asif said while holding the list to Ali.

"Mama, Father has not come yet. I don't know where they have gone." Ahmad said while entering the house.

"They must have gone to work somewhere. They didn't have the money to go to the shop and get something for you. Now be patient. That's why I say, be thankful for what you get." Sadia said to Ahmed.

" Yes, you are right. How much work will Baba do while fasting? He is suffering so much because of me." Ahmad said while kissing Ali.

"My soul may be such that you tell me something and I do not fulfill it. Look how much I have take for you to eat. Take this Ayesha, I have also brought vegetables for two days. Now are you happy, Ahmad." Ali said while holding bags to Ayesha.

After a while, the door was knocked and Ali went outside to look.

" Yes, brother, who are you?" Ali said while opening the door.

" This is some stuff. I was told to deliver it to your house. I just came to give it because it was your trust." A man spoke from outside the door.

"What kind of trust? show me This is the sack full of stuff, who sent it for me?" Ali asked in surprise.

"I don't know, it was just an order to deliver to your house, I have fulfilled it, now I am going, Allah Hafiz." That man said so and left.

Ali had understood where these goods came from. He thanked his Allah and began to explain to Ahmed.

" Ahmed, look at what happens in our fate, it goes to our house by itself. That's why I say that we should be grateful to Allah in every situation.
Don't you know what Allah has said.
إِنَّ اللّهَ مَعَ الصَّابِرِينَ
It is now doubt. Allah is with those who keep patience."

"Yes, Baba, I have understood your point. Whoever sent these goods must be a good man of Allah. I too, God willing, when I become something, I will help such poor people." This is what Ahmed says at the dinner table.

The Magrib Azan started and they break their fast.

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