LOCKED OUT OF LOVE; Ink Well Monthly Prompt


Good afternoon wonderful people of the ink well community am excited to be here and It is my first time participating or writing in this wonderful community.
I'll be participating in this March edition contest.
"Tell a story of someone who has been locked out of another person's heart".super interesting.

Samuel he fell deeply in love with a lady called Maria. Samuel was captivated by Maria's beauty, and charm, and he knew he had to make her his. However, despite his best efforts, he could never seem to break through the walls Maria had built around her heart.

Samuel tried everything he could think of to win Maria's affection and care but it was to no avail. He brought her flowers, wrote her love letters, and took her out on romantic dates, he listened to her when she spoke and showered her with compliments . But no matter what Samuel did, Maria remained distant.

Samuel became so frustrated and heartbroken. He couldn't understand why Maria was so guarded and distant, and he longed to be let in. But as time went on, it became clear that Maria had no intentions of letting him into her heart, It was like he was locked out of her heart, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find the key to unlock it.


  Eventually, Samuel realized that he needed to respect Maria's boundaries and give her that space she needed. He accepted that he may never be able to get through to Maria emotionally, but he was  still grateful for their friendship and the time they spent together.

He recognized that love comes in many forms, and even if Maria couldn't love him back in the way he wanted, he could still love and support her in his own little way.Samuel and Maria remained friends, and while Samuel may have never gotten through to Maria emotionally, he was content with the love they shared as friends. Sometimes, even if you can't get through someone's heart, it's important to appreciate the love that you do have in your life.

Years went by, and Samuel moved on with his life,He met someone new, fell in love again, and built a happy life with his new partner. But even though he had found happiness, he still thought of Maria from time to time. He wondered what might have been the outcome if he had been able to break through the walls around her heart.


In the end, Samuel realized that sometimes, no matter how much we love someone, we cannot force them to love us back. And even though it hurts to be locked out of someone's heart, we have to accept that we can't control other people's feelings. We can only control our own actions and choices, and we have to find happiness in our own lives.

Thanks for reading,do well to drop a comment.

I'm @ mmeyene.

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