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The Hyena



Once upon a time, there lived a very foolish animal called the Hyena, he was known for his notorious criminal records . He often lived off stolen food from his friends and neighbors.

One day he got so hungry, so hungry that he could eat anything. He prepared himself and got into the forest for hunting. He noticed that every other animal in the forest was taking a nap after they had their lunch. This made him very jealous as his tummy kept on grumbling.

For hours he kept on searching through the forest for an unfortunate prey but he couldn't find any. "Am so hungry!", he cried out. He decided to go to the river Bank. He was sure to find any animal taking a drink.

When he got close to the river Bank he saw Mr Tortoise taking a drink. He laughed and snuck up on him. without much effort he had Mr Tortoise in between his claws, but he couldn't bite through his thick rigid shell. He screamed out in frustration.

At that moment Mr Tortoise was very scared, he didn't have an idea what to do, but when he saw that the Hyena couldn't bite through his shell, he immediately had a clever idea.

"Water helps me get out of my shell, you know", "You could soak me in the water and when I get out of my shell, you can then eat me", he said with a convincing look on his face. Hyena was confused but he foolishly believed Mr Tortoise.

He foolishly agreed to put Tortoise in the water and immediately he did so, Tortoise made an attempt to escape.

Hyena was so furious that he jumped into the water in pursuit of Mr Tortoise, he forgot that the crocodiles were always very hungry.

The End...


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