Daydreaming Disasters: From Politician's Wife to Teacher's Life

I indulge in daydreaming, but not really the kind people do. Sometimes you can walk into me alone in the room and I am boxing with the air, LOL. I think that is why I am good at fiction. When I was little I would write a movie, direct it, and act in all the roles by myself.

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I remember a time I was with my cousins and we were having discussions, one thing led to the other and they started talking about what they daydreamed about. Most of their talks were about what they daydreamed about what their life would later turn out to be like.

Throughout, I held my laughter because it was so funny. One of my cousins even said he was going to become a pilot and engineer and whenever the plane he was flying had a problem he would then fix it himself.
It got so interesting that my aunt came to sit with us in the parlor and listen to our gist.
When they were both done I let out a little laugh that I had been keeping at bay since our conversation about daydreams started.
When they turned to me expecting me to start talking about mine.
I told them, “I don't want to bother because I daydream about things that I don't even expect or want to come to pass,”
My cousin looked at me and raised his eyebrows “So you mean you don't have any plans,"
I laughed and replied to him “I have plans but I just don't daydream about them,"

My aunt then chipped in “I understand what he is saying because this life does not always work out how you plan it and if you daydream too much about it you will be extremely disappointed,”
My other cousin then asked her "So you mean you didn't daydream too?”
My aunt then laughed "When it comes to daydreaming I was number one I was a daydream lover. I used to daydream about how I would finish school, get married to a politician, and become a full-time housewife with two male children. The first time life slapped me was during my entrance exam into the university. I always dreamed of entering the university at the exact age of 16, but the exam showed me who was boss and I wrote the next year again, I wrote again and got admitted but it was economics when what I wanted was law. I got into school and said to myself no problem, after all, I was going to be a housewife married to a rich politician. I even began lagging in my academics but I told myself I didn't need it. My father had to threaten to disown me before I sat up. Long story short, I graduated and was finding it hard to find a job. I picked a job as an economics teacher and that is where I met my husband. Me that was daydreaming always how I would become a rich housewife, But now look at me I have two jobs as a teacher, I am married to my fellow teacher and I have four female children,”

All of us burst out in laughter at the way she widened her eyes and gave a malicious smile before saying ‘Four female children’.
She then balanced herself back into the chair after the thunderous laughter “But still I am happy with my life because the trick is to make sure you handle whatever life throws at you and always expect the unexpected,"
Shortly after we were called by my sister who was preparing lunch into the kitchen to come and get our food.

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