𝐇𝐞𝐲, 𝐇𝐢𝐯𝐞

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Friendship, love and other paths.


Hanoi and Dai were best friends from an early age, growing up full of adventures, books and hobbies together. They shared a school for the last 9 years, but now, more mature and for family reasons, they had to separate to attend different high schools. The news had been bad for them, and one afternoon weeks before school started Dai had the courage to confess her feelings, a secret she had been keeping for years, but unfortunately things didn't end up like in fairy tales. Hanoi had always been more cautious, more reserved, and although her heart was beating fast because she wanted to reciprocate the feelings, she could not.

Hanoi's father had threatened her several times to move out if anything more than a friendship blossomed between her and Dai. All because of social and economic status issues. At that moment Hanoi wanted to explain why she still could not give Dai a positive answer, but her words were not the best and had ended up hurting him. The boy, with a broken heart had asked her for time and space, but for Hanoi it was like telling him that they would no longer be friends, she had seen many times similar situations on TV and none of them ended well, so full of resentment she had shouted at him to stay away, that she didn't need him. They both walked home crying over a lost love and friendship.


Weeks passed and the first glimpses of the first day of school were described as follows:


Hanoi woke up in a horrible mood for the first day of school of her sophomore year. She reluctantly showered, reluctantly dressed, reluctantly ate, slammed the door and walked around ranting under her breath about why she had to study.

As he reached the bus stop he saw Dai in the distance, wearing his old worn uniform but with more pronounced features, making him look more mature. She was amazed at how attractive he managed to look after three and a half weeks of not speaking to each other. She wanted to reach over and stroke his hair, as she always did, but her pride never left her, not even when they exchanged glances and he began to approach her.

The bus parked before Dai finished arriving, and Hanoi's racing heart couldn't react any other way than running away from her greatest desire.

"Hanoi!" She heard the little brown man's small cry in the distance, but she didn't look at him, she sat in the last seats and after regaining her composure, she was attacked by that bitterness that was growing every day in her chest.

"I need to forget that boy romantically" she placed a hand on her head "I feel like I could die seeing him all of a sudden." She mumbled crestfallen.

Why did Hanoi think this? Because according to her Dai twinkled with the intensity of millions of stars.

"I'm too young to die of love" she whispered to herself on her way to that place she called: prison for the rich. Better known as Kafka High School.

The studies would suit her like a glove, nothing better to distract her than a bunch of homework that would explode her neurons.

And despite his bad mood, Hanoi thought: Welcome to the first day of school!

For his part Dai had woken up in the best of moods, almost like when it's the beginning of the vacations and his grandfather takes him and Hanoi to his cabin in the mountains.

He ate a leisurely breakfast, and left the house with plenty of time to get to his new high school known as: the hole of the not so privileged, Kuller High School.

Then he saw her, with pursed lips and the stern look of all his mornings, he knew for sure why she was upset, Hanoi has never been fond of waking up early. However, she looked beautiful as always, and he couldn't help but smile.

Why? Because to Dai, that apathetic, messy-haired girl who had broken his heart was the main reason for his existence.

He longed to hold her in a hug until he made her laugh, just like every day of high school they had shared. He almost ran into those slender arms he had been ignoring for weeks, no longer caring about old words or actions, he just wanted to smell that delicate perfume up close as he kissed the top of her head.

Then she got on the bus ignoring his call, and Dai felt his heart break a little more, he was sure she had seen him, but he also knew that Hanoi was spiteful, and desolate, he turned around and decided to walk to his destination.

He definitely felt terrible now and all he could think was: what a bad day to start classes!

However, they both had the hope in their hearts to be together again, even if they had to sacrifice their feelings, because more important than love, was their friendship.

© 2021 @marysenpai. All rights reserved

Having to leave friendships behind is painful and sometimes unavoidable, but there are strong bonds that can maintain the union, no matter what happens, if destiny wants them together, sooner or later they will be reunited. This short story is inspired by that, with a romantic touch full of entanglements and hopes. I hope you like it.

Recent post of my stories, in case you want to read more from me.

Spiderman and the value of friendship

life is hard


the weakness of the heart

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𝗧𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗸 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 <3
Translated with DeepL Free version.

All images used belong to me, they were taken with my Redmi Xiaomi Note 9 cell phone.



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