The two words -Creative Nonfiction in The Ink Well: Prompt #19

“Nothing is ever really lost to us as long as we remember it.” - L. M. Montgomery

Growing up with my grandma was something I wish to enjoy again if it were possible, her presence speaks voluminously and her power words Spears like an arrow. When I was 10 years old, my grandma was an old woman in her early 60s. She had experienced life to its fullest which had been able to expose her to both good and bad. Through her, I have learned that words are powerful weapons that can mare or make.

One particular Sunday while we were walking down to church. A distance which is quite far from our abode, she said to me "there are two qualities I want to talk to you about because you lack them".

I was shocked and at the same time eager to know what she saw I lacked. I curiously asked her what I lack.

She began "You are fond of keeping part of your offering". She said confidently.


Immediately she said that, my heart flashed back all the Sundays I have been committing these acts.

"Is that correct"? She asked.

"You are not mama". I said with my face down.

"You need to pray for the spirit of generosity. When you are generous, you are kind to people and you impact life in a very positive way. If you can't offer to God, then it will be too difficult for you to show compassion and genuine effort of support to those who need it. We are almost close to the church now, I will want you to always remember these few words and put it into practice". She rounded off as we both walked into the church.

The Mass began and everything was going smoothly until it got to the offertory. After hearing the long sermon, my grandma took me on before we got to the church. I still fell deeply into the temptation of picking the first note that I could grab. I went and did my offertory and came back sitting like I have not done anything wrong.

"Anne, hope you listened attentively to Father "?.

"Yes ma, I did.

"What was the gospel talking about?" She asked.

"It was on generosity". Just when I wanted to ask her how she knew it's what the priest will preach, I remembered she reads the missals daily.

"With today's Homily and all I said, I got you still repeating the same thing again".

She began another long sermon. What surprised me was that even with how my grandma kept singing kindness and generosity to me, I refused to cultivate it in my life.

After I lost my grandma in the coal hands of death, I became a free girl with no one to sing kindness and generosity to me. Until one day, I was in a state of despair. All the people I hoped on disappointed and I was on the verge of giving up on my Common Entrance Examination when I encountered kindness and generosity and I remembered all my refusal to practice these qualities. I remembered thousands of persons who I have seen in a state of hopelessness and I failed to show kindness and generosity.

I was in the headmistress office all by myself as my sister who I was now with after my grandma's death refused to accompany me to my school to plead. I was crying and begging the woman to help me write the examination on credit as I will come back to remit the money.

"My duty here is to get the cash, give you the receipt, have I made myself... ?" Then someone knocked and she went to see who was at the door.

A man walked in with his two kids, saw my countenance and knew something wasn't right. I had to excuse them as the headmistress instructed.

When I left, I stood at the door crying and praying for God's intervention and at the same time all the words of my grandma kept ringing in my ears and all my refusal to be sincere in my offering to God.

"God, please show me mercy on all my acts of ignorance". I murmured in anguish.

I heard the door knob crack and I tried to compose myself. He walked out with his kids following suit. His kids dispersed to their classes while the man entered his car and drove out.

I entered the office and the woman was smiling and I was wondering what with the sudden smile.

She said "your prospectus has been paid by the man who you met in the office ".
I didn't know how to express my joy but I was sad that I didn't have the chance to thank the man face to face.

I was able to write my examination and this encounter made me realize that my grandma was right. Kindness and generosity can bring hope and joy to someone who has lost all hope. I resolved to always show kindness and generosity in all ramifications as these two words have marked my life to be impactful.

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