THE JOHNSONS VACATION~The Ink Well Prompt #101Contest

One of the traditions of the Johnsons is to go on a vacation every last week of the month to any country of their choice.

This time around, it's Anne's turn to pick any place of her choice for a one week vacation. Anne is the last child of Mr and Mrs Johnson, the only egg they handle with utmost importance, Emilia is the eldest who believes in herself, she is intelligent and has the ability to see.

"Dad, mum. If you would approve where I want to visit. I have been hearing lots of amazing things about Ekoo, a community where darkness does not overshadow lights. Reports have it that at night,the whole community shines bright like morning sun. I would love us to go see things for ourselves"

" Go on girl, I expected you to mention one of the beautiful countries we have not visited and here you are mentioning a locality. Noooo!! Her mum rant in anger.

"It's her turn to make a choice, wherever she wants to go is where we all go to. We all have our own preference".

"Thanks Dad for being my hero".

"I'm sorry that I don't have anything I go with any decision, anywhere is fine with me". Anne's elder sister Esther said.

It's two days for the Johnsons' to embark on the vacation trip. That night, the weather was cold and they were all in their rooms sleeping. Esther, who was sleeping peacefully like others, jumped up from her bed sweating profusely. She became so scared as she just had a dream which seems to be a vision of what will happen in the future. She called Anne severally to inform her about her dream but she was far asleep.

At 8AM, the exact time for the family's breakfast.
"Dad, yesterday night, I had a dream which is a vision that we shouldn't travel on this vacation. In my dream, I saw us being robbed, they adopted Anne and wanted to terminate mum's life and I woke up".

"Because I said we should travel to Ekoo, that is why you had a dream, you know what? Mum is better than you. At least she made her disapproval very open but you, you went to fabricate lies to halt the trip". Never!!

"My Esther darling, it's just a dream. It's no vision, I don't believe in dreams. So, we are leaving the day after tomorrow and that is signed and sealed. Mr Johnson said.

After a day's sleep, it was the day for them to depart to Ekoo. They packed all they would need, took their pay card and drove off. The car was very interactive as they were having fun, cracking jokes and lots of family love in the air.


After 3 hours drive, just 2 hours left and the vision Esther had began to unfold as they had a burst of tyre.

"I serviced this car before hands, this is very unexpected and this area is scary"

Mr Johnson stepped out to check only to find a hole had been dug with a nail in it.

"Why in this kind of thick bush, this is a purposeful act, who could have done this in a road for no reason" Mrs Johnson asked without directing the question to anyone.

Just when they were finding a solution to the problem. Three armed men stepped out of the bush. Their heads were covered with hoods that covered their entire face except their eyes.

The first man stepped forward and said'
"Hand me over everything in this car and you wouldn't be hurt.

The second man was dragging Anne to the thick bush and a gun pointed on Mrs Johnson's head when she tried to fight for her daughter. Just when the situation became intense, their savior intervened.

A siren was heard and the armed men felt the police coming and they ran in fear, going with what they had collected from the Johnsons. At the same time, the family also ran for safety as the siren continued.

                    THE END

I AM @marynn,

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