Reunion Event - Ink Well Prompt #116 Contest

The Williams family have been known for their yearly family reunion. Mrs Williams wanted this year's gathering to be top notch like other years. As the host of the event and for this to be a success, Mrs Williams assigned each of her children what to do to make the event colorful.

"The theme of this year event will be family date".

"Mum ! Of all words to use for a theme, why would you choose a family date to be a theme," Winner Said.

"It sounds weird. I suggest we go with something else," Wilson, the eldest son said.

"You should learn to find out reasons for something before drawing conclusions. Mum might have a reason for giving this event that theme," the youngest daughter said.

"You all are now adults with your lives to live. I chose this theme because that day is all about us celebrating and having a good time together as a family," Mrs Williams explained.

Mr and Mrs Williams had three children who are all grown ups and living a fulfilled life but for the event to be successful, they have to play a role to make that day what they want it to be. Mr Williams assigned the roles. Wilson, the first son and an interior designer, is to hire an event center and give the interior a haven look. Winner, the second child is to take care of foods and drinks while Willy who is a student in the music department was to entertain with her melodious voice and show her vocal dexterity.


As the day drew near, each of them began to feel tense as this was their first time doing something as role playing as Mr and Mrs Williams have been the ones taking care of all the preparations for the past years. Trying to balance the preparation and personal work was challenging.

"Wilson, mum is worried about why you haven't given us any update on the event center and how far you have gone with the decoration."

"Is it only my role that is getting mum worried? Has winner reported anything to her on how far she has gone with her own preparation?"

Willy felt so angry at the way he responded and reported to her mother. Putting calls across to Wilson and Winner got Mrs Williams scared if her children would make her happy or disgrace the Williams family in this year's family event.

It's just a week to the event and all of them had returned to the family house. Willy had been practicing her singing both in the room and everywhere around the house just to deliver a perfect performance on that day. Her singing practice suddenly provoked Wilson who was in the sitting room trying to figure which decor and colours would be great for the event.

"Can you stop all these singing and let me think?"

"Wilson, I'm only trying to flow with with the notes, so I can deliver a good rendition."

Winner walking in with her luggage was welcomed home by raised voices caused by tension. Knowing what the reason was and knowing her work had not allowed her make preparation for her cooking made her felt guilty but that won't stop her from interfering.

"You don't have to be that rude bro, she's just trying to make that day the best. You wouldn't want the past years to be more colourful than what we want to give out."

The day of the event came. Guests and family members started coming. Wilson did his role excellently as the decor was an eye- catching one, Willy on the other was ready to deliver her rendition but Winner while others were dressed and ready for the event, her pot was still on fire.

Winner needed a hand and her two siblings answered her call by assisting her in making the food ready in short while. As the event came to a close, Wilson apologized to Willy for being harsh on her.

Winner turned to her siblings and said "I couldn't have finished the cooking on time if not that you two came to assist.

Mr and Mrs Williams watching all the drama turned to each other and smiled excitedly. The event was as colourful and entertaining as expected.

                    THE END

I AM @marynn,

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