IN DISGUISE~The Ink Well Prompt #96 Contest

It's 4AM in the capital city of Ejafe. A city known for its pleasing nature. It's another center of attraction for aliens and first timers. Ejafe is no place for a newbie, it is a hustle and bustle city with its everyday chaos. A city that doesn't sleep at night is what Ejafe is best known for.

In the city of Ejafe, everybody is a saint but no saint. Lillian's love for Leo was like a Romeo and Juliet love. Lilian, is a young girl in her mid 20s, strong and hard-working are qualities no one can beat her with. Due to her smartness and bravery, her mother trusted her abilities to manage the company effectively after the death of his husband. She's from a well to do home and has a younger sister Emilia. As the eldest and adult, she gets all the liberty she wants.

It's past 6PM and Lilian has called the security to lock up the entry to the company and make sure the security lights are switched on. After the instructions, she hopped into her car and drove off. It's not up to 20 minutes drive when her car tire deflated only to leave her standing helplessly on the road. Just when she was about to dial the family driver to pick her up, she heard a voice.

"Hello beauty, I don't need to ask, you sure need a strong chisel guy to take off this faulted tire and get the car running". Leo said.

Leo is a handsome looking man approaching his 30s, he causes stir whenever he passes because of his handsomeness. He doesn't really have a base as any states he has a mission to accomplish becomes his base but his parasitic lifestyle sustains him. Leo's philosophy of life is "get it in any form it presents itself".

"Thanks , are you sure you can do this, you are too handsome to stain your hands, I won't let you do that". Lilian said affectionately.

"A beautiful girl like you shouldn't be kept waiting by a car, would you mind me taking you home>". Leo asked romantically.

Lilian accepted the offer and hopped in without even knowing if he is an adopter." Maybe we can just talk some other time? Here is my card, call me whenever you feel like knowing how I'm doing".

Leo gave out a devilish smile which made him even look more handsome. He got the card and quickly dialed the number so Lilian can have hers.

Leo drove her home and she appreciated him with a hug and they departed. During the family supper, she narrated to her family how her day went and how she met a prince in the person of Leo. They all felt happy for her, especially her sister.

"My sister is already feeling love at first sight". Emilia said

"My dear daughter, men are not to be trusted,I want you to love with your head, don't be foolish in love". Her mother advised.

She affirmed what they said and they continued eating. Just when the room was getting too quiet, Emilia voices out.

"Mum, you know I have been asking you to make me the managing director of the company but you have refused for years now. I want Dad to be proud of me wherever he is now just like he is with Lilian before his death".

"Let's not talk about this right now Emilia please". Her mum warned .

Lilian and Leo were having a two weeks vacation trip together in which Leo bought her a ring and proposed to her. It was a beautiful scene. Just moments after the engagement, his phone rang severally and he kept busying the calls.

"Babe, your phone? Lilian said

"I don't want anything to destroy this moment, it is office calls". Leo responded.


Lilian with so much trust and happiness picked up her phone and announced the goodness to her mum and sister.

The Air conditioner in their room wasn't functioning well and Leo went downstairs to complain about it forgetfully leaving his phone in the room which inturn looks like a blessing in disguise for Lilian. His phone started ringing non stop

It happens that the time span Leo told his family had elapsed and he hasn't returned home. So, his wife kept bustling him with calls as his kids were missing their dad.

While still admiring the ring in her finger, she said "Can you just stop calling and call later in the next few minutes. My baby isn't available right now". Lilian said in her mind as she stood to pick the phone to Leo downstairs when she saw what made her nerves shrink.

"My queen" is what shows to be the caller's name. Immediately, she dropped the phone, Leo walked in and noticed her contenance had changed.

"Hope you are fine, babe?" he asked .

"Yes, I am love, I just got a call from my mum saying she will be handing the company over to .. ".
Just when she was about to complete her false statement, Leo's phone started ringing again.

"Babe, pick your call, it's been ringing. I forgot to tell you". Lilian said pretentiously.

"Babe, did you check who the caller is? Am certain it's still coming from the office, just leave it. He said,

"I insist, pick it. Who knows there is an emergency at the office you need to know about".> Lilian said, her eyes boldly fixed to his.

"Okay, fine. I will. You know I love you right". Leo said.

He picked and the background voice said softly. "Huni, you have been avoiding my calls. The kids have been disturbing me because they want to see their dad". Leo's wife lashes out.

Lilian who was right beside him became shocked with her heart shattered. She stood up, opened the wardrobe and started packing her things. She left Leo in the room without saying a word. Leo tried all efforts to talk to Lilian but to no avail.


She got home, her parents who knew the vacation was to last for two weeks asked Lilian what happened.

"Mum, the freshness of a flower is not forever. The fresh flower I said in Leo has withered. He's married with kids mum".>
She said with tears running down her cheers.

"Come on my baby, don't let Leo put you in this state. You are strong, beautiful and young. Men that are to stay will come into your life". There is a saying that goes "when a breeze blows, everyone sees the anus of a fowl". Is a good thing you got to know this on time, imagine you both got wedded, and he impregnated you and you got to find out. You would have felt worse than you are feeling now."> Her mum said.

"I can't believe Leo is infidelity. He just lost all my respect for him". Emilia said angrily.

Her family were all by her side to comfort and console her for weeks while Emilia was allowed to manage the company for as long as possible until her sister is healed up and willing to return.

"Getting this off your finger will aid your healing faster". Her mum said.

After some weeks, Lilian went to Leo's claimed apartment only to find out it was his friend's house and he had moved out the same day his true identity was discovered.

She went back home, pulled off the ring, disposed of it and moved on with her life, although the pain and memories are still there.

It was Saturday morning, she woke up from sleep just to see a text message in her inbox from a new number.

"Am sorry for departing Ejafe without getting back my ring, I know you trusted me but I'm not a cool guy as you see me to be. I'm sorry I disappointed you with fake marriage proposal, I have a wife who understands my business and we run the street life together, I came into your life for my own best interest, I'm not a preacher of love, all the display was for me to get what I can get and vanish but your light quenched mine first which was all because of my wife who had her own game to play and felt am delaying with mine. Never try to reach me through this line cause it's never gonna go through. From the man you met as Leo, goodbye Lil".

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