A Night ~The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #110 Contest

Elena laid head up on her bed all alone in her bedroom, the rain was heavy that night creating a cold atmosphere leaving Elena covered in her blanket.

There were footsteps outside and she felt her imagination playing tricks on her as she wasn't expecting a visitor couple with the heavy outpouring of the rain.

She summoned courage and stood up, tiptoed to the drawer, picked her penknife and approached her door to confirm if it was probably locked. The footsteps persisted loudly and steady down the hallway . Elena pulse pounded in her temples, she tiptoed to her wardrobe and hid herself.

The footsteps grew louder and closer this time towards her doorpost. Elena's hands began to shake, she raised her penknife forward in two hands like a fighter.

She heard a dog barking and her fear increased. Just when she felt the dog bark would make the footsteps stop, it happened but someone was trying to open her door. She knew her door was properly locked with key and she wasn't expecting any visitors knowing how heavy the rain was. This even got her more scared.

Suddenly,the door swung open and Elena closed her eyes in great fear. The room was dark, so she couldn't see the figure but the footsteps had stopped. After minutes of silence, the unseen human figure left the bedroom and headed to kitchen.

Elena needed to know who had invaded her apartment without prior notice. Elena came out of the wardrobe and without making a noise, picked her phone and turned on the torch light, tiptoed to the direction of the steps. As she got close, she stood some distance away with her penknife in her hand as a shield.

"Raise your hands up and show yourself". She said frighteningly

"Elenaaaaa, it's meeee, your friend Lola?" She let out a loud annoying laugh. You look startled, my sincere apologies scaring you. I walked into the bedroom and it was empty."

"Lola, you scared me indeed, you have been pestering in the hallway and that left me very scared. You should have made a sound as you walked into the room for me to recognize that it's you so I could come out of my hiding place." Elena said.


"I boarded a train and we stopped at the nearest station. I didn't want to spend the night there, so I decided to sleep over at your apartment and continue my journey tomorrow. Being out in the cold for so long wasn't a good experience and when I got here, I searched for the keys in my bag without knowing where it was. I had to pester around to get my body warm. I finally found the key in my breast pocket."

"It's fine. I'm happy to see you around after you have scared hell out of me."

"Why are you home today because you are supposed to be with Ethan which is one reason I didn't make any sound when I got in because I didn't expect to see anyone when I walked in? You told me last we spoke you will be attending a wedding with Ethan and would be passing a night afterwards".

"We had a change of plans, I would have gone to his apartment to spend a night but his parents are in town and we have not made our relationship official to them. I wouldn't want to go looking like a stranger in my boyfriend's house".

After the long discussion, Lola made her way to the bathroom for a hot bath. After which, they ate, played games, chitchatted and had a fun night tomorrow.

                    THE END

I AM @marynn,

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