The Ink Well Prompt #89|| Drips Of Sweat


I was having a nap on a couch upstairs, and as I was sitting there, I was thinking about my parents that are not around, they said they'll be back the next day, so it was only me and the maid at home that night. As I was sitting down, I heard the sound of our dog barking, so I thought is a normal thing for a dog so ignored it. I look at the wall clock, it's 9 pm, and my stomach grumbles, then I decide to stand up to have a meal, immediately I stood up, the light goes out. Why will the light go out, I try to turn off and on the switch again and again but nothing happened, "then it must be a power eruption", I thought to myself. It's a common thing in our area, and whenever it happens, my father always turns the power on again from the power box, since I'm going to the kitchen, I will use the opportunity to turn it on.

I can't find my footwear because everywhere was dark I decided to walk downstairs in my barefoot, and as I was making my way downstairs I discovered that everywhere is silent, I tried calling our maid but I got no response from her, I could not hear the barking of the dog anymore, everywhere was quite like a graveyard. My house feels weird suddenly, I feel lost because I could not see or listen to anything around me, the silence is dreadful making me feel disoriented. "Was it because I've been reading creepypasta that makes me feel paranoid?" I asked myself. Different kind of thoughts was going through my mind, I began to search if I will notice any traces of a monster or a serial killer.

Gradually, I make my way to the kitchen while I make use of the wall to guide me. My heart beat faster and faster when I inhaled the smell of raw meat and the smell becomes stronger as I moved closer to the kitchen. "It normal for a kitchen to smell that way" I try to reason out myself, but still feel nervous. When I finally stepped into the kitchen, I manage to locate the power box, I could feel my heart beating in my chest, I feel so terrified to turn on the light, my heart raced because there was a possibility of me seeing something horrific. I took the courage to switch it on, the brightness from the light blinded my eyes for a second before I was able to adjust to the brightness, and when I look around, I behold the corpse of our dog, eyes wide open and mouth agape, it looks like the dog was savaged by a wolf, the scene is shocking, I find it difficult to breathe, it seems as if a heavy load was placed on my chest.

I saw a footprint that led to our maid's room, the footprints were large, twirled and beyond recognition, the door to her room was closed but it was stained with claws. I could not withstand what I was seeing, my hunger vanished, and I ran into my room , the surrounding is still noiseless, but I could listen to the throb of my heart. I locked my door and swoop into my blanket, I find it hard to hold my breath, tears of fear twirl down my eyes, and drips of sweat creep down my face. At that moment, I await my fate, all I was expecting is for the door to be brought down, I waited for minutes, but nothing happen. I decide to stay awake to see if anything will happen, it's something between life and death, but after a while, my eyes lids began to droop, I try to fight back to stay awake but my efforts are in vain.

I don't know when I doze off. The sound from the car woke me up from my sleep, it was all just a bad dream. I glance from my window, everywhere was still not bright because it was early in the morning, my heart lightens and I jumped out of my bed, I ran down the stairs to welcome my parents, we hugged ourselves and I use the moment to laugh out the bizarre nightmare I just had.

Thanks for your time, I hope you enjoyed it!
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