The Past.

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He was the CEO of Stone Industries, a massive organization that had its hands in everything from oil to Auto business. His company is located in the oil rich Rivers state Nigeria. His power and wealth had turned him arrogant and pompous, and he had no qualms about using his position to intimidate those around him. He literally cared about no nobody but himself. His name Is Nathan Essien, a man who loved to be in control, a man who cherished power. A successful man tha wines and dines with the powerhouse of the country. But that was until his past mistakes caught up to him.

It had been ten years since Nathan made a grave error in his career that had given him all he had but now was costing him all his has. As a young intern in a reputable oil company years back, Nathan had embezzled money from the company, money meant for the company's social responsibility, he made sure to erase every trace of it or so he thought and had used the money to start up his own company and to fund his lavish lifestyle, thinking he would never be caught. But now his actions had been discovered, and was being investigated by the national body responsible for corrupt practices in his country.

Despite all the charges leveled against him, Nathan had convinced himself that he was untouchable, that his wealth, power and friends in power would always keep him safe. He was not remorseful.

Gradually his friends he thought would help him out of his present misery withdrew from him and his investors were gradually starting to withdraw from partnering with him. No one wanted to associate with a man as corrupt as he was.

Gradually Nathan began to feel the weight of his past mistakes, it was heavily crashing down on him. His reputation was being ruined, his fortune being taken away and his family being embarrassed. His relationship with his family began to suffer as his wife, a once-admiring and loyal partner, was becoming increasingly distant. His pride turned into fear, and he became paranoid. He needed help and he needed it as soon as possible.

One day while seated in his lavishly furnished office, his mind had drifted far away that he didn't notice when Marie, his most valuable employee, walked in with a file for him to sign.

Marie was a quiet and unassuming employee who is often overlooked by her pompous and rude boss. Despite her impressive work ethic and intelligence, Nathan constantly dismisses her ideas and opinions, preferring to rely on his own ego-driven instincts. Despite all that, Marie had always remained loyal to him, always trying to make him see reason and avoid mistakes.

After repeatedly calling his name to which he made no answer to. She gently tapped him and he jerked back to reality.

"Sir, are you alright?" She asked.

"I'm fine, what can I do for you?" He asked in a harsh tone.

"This is the file you asked I bring for you to sign" He quickly grabbed his pen and scribbled his signature on it. He handed over the file back to Marie and reclined on his chair.

Marie turned to leave, but as she got to the door he called.

Photo by Sora Shimazaki:


Marie turned.

"Please sit" he pleaded.

Reluctantly Marie walked back and grabbed a seat opposite him.

"I believe you already know what I'm passing through now, this time I need your honest advice. If you were in my shoe what would you do?"

Marie was very surprised when Nathan spoke. She had never seen him so down, vulnerable and humble. She carefully listened to him as he recounted in detail his past mistakes. When he was done, Marie talked to Nathan about her uncle's similar struggles that things started to change.

Marie's uncle had been in a similar situation. Her uncle had made a mistake that he was too afraid to admit. However, when he had eventually summoned up courage and faced his fears by accepting his mistakes, the burden became lighter. She advised Nathan to man up and face his past and make amends, that only then would he be able to move on and find peace. Although it wasn't going to be easy.

At first Nathan was skeptical, but as he carefully listened to Marie's story, he realized that he had been living a lie, that his wealth and power had blinded him to the damage he had caused. He saw the need to make things right, not just for his own sake, but for the sake of his family and the poor people he had hurt.

Working together with Marie, he contacted the people he had stolen from and paid them back in full, with interest. He issued a public apology for his past actions and promised to do better. He faced the law and was found guilty but because he had pleaded guilty and accepted his mistake his sentence was lighter.

After he had served his jail term, he came back stronger. He was no longer the arrogant CEO who thought he was above the law. He was a humble and listening boss. His family began to forgive him, and he found that his relationship with them had grown stronger. Gradually his company began to thrive again with his investors returning. He promoted Marie with a huge pay too.

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