The Haunted House.

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John and Sarah had always dreamed of owning their own home. After years of saving, they finally found the perfect place: an old mansion with intricate woodwork, high ceilings, and a spacious garden.

Pulling up on the walkway the house loomed in front of them, a dark and imposing presence. It was a Victorian-style mansion, with a peaked roof, and a wraparound porch that seemed to be frozen in time. The paint was chipped and peeling, and the windows were covered with a thick layer of grime. The garden which once seemed lush and beautiful, was now overgrown and unkempt, with weeds and vines choking the life out of the once-beautiful flowers.

As they walked up to the front door, they could see that it was slightly ajar, as if someone had left it open in a hurry. Must be the estate manager they thought. They had been told that the owners of the gigantic building had relocated to another country after they got a promotion leaving the house empty without any occupant for years hence the old unkempt look. But now they want to sell it since they won't be coming back home soon.

The wooden door creaked and groaned as they pushed it open, and they were immediately hit by the musty smell of decay. The foyer was dimly lit, with a chandelier hanging from the ceiling that cast an eerie glow on the surroundings. The wallpapers were peeling, and the floorboards creaked and groaned with every step they took. There was a lot of renovating to be done on this property and they were ready for it.

They walked through the house, and as they made their way from room to room. Every creak and groan of the house seemed to be amplified, and the silence was deafening. In the living room, a grandfather clock stood in the corner, its pendulum swinging back and forth in a hypnotic rhythm.

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The staircase was wide and winding, and they could see that the railings were loose, as if someone had tried to break it. The upstairs hallway was dark and creepy, with doors standing ajar, revealing empty rooms with furniture that was covered in white sheets.

They made their way to the master bedroom. The room was large and grand, but it was clear that it had been untouched for many years. The bed was unmade, with the sheets and covers thrown haphazardly on top, as if the occupants had left in a hurry. The windows were covered with thick, heavy curtains that were drawn closed, casting the room in a dim and eerie light.

Somehow they were already in love with the house. They have always dreamt of a huge house like this and now they have it at a fair price. They had already signed the paperwork, and within a few weeks after renovation , they moved in.

At first, everything was perfect. They enjoyed exploring the house, finding little nooks and crannies that they hadn't noticed before. They spent their evenings sitting on the porch, watching the sun set over the garden.

But soon, strange things started to happen. Sarah would swear that she had left her keys on the kitchen table, only to find them in the bedroom. John would put his wallet on the dresser, only to find it in the kitchen. They shrugged it off as just a case of forgetfulness, but the occurrences continued and even started to increase.

It wasn’t until one night, when they woke up to strange noises coming from the hallway that they started to feel uneasy. They got up to investigate and found nothing out of place. But the feeling of being watched persisted, and they couldn't shake off the feeling that they were not alone in the house.

As the weeks went by, the strange occurrences became more frequent and more unsettling. Sarah would wake up in the middle of the night to find the furniture in the living room rearranged, or the curtains in the bedroom open when she had closed them before going to bed. John started to experience strange noises, like shuffling and whispering, coming from the walls.

They started to become more and more afraid to be alone in the house. They began to avoid certain rooms and stayed close together when they were home. They were both losing sleep and becoming increasingly anxious. They started talking about moving out, but they didn't want to give up on the house they had dreamed of.

One night, they decided to investigate the attic to see if they could find any clues to the strange happenings. The attic was dusty and cobwebby, and it seemed to have been untouched for years. They were about to give up when Sarah spotted a small chest in the corner.

As soon as she opened it, a chill ran down her spine. Inside the chest were old newspaper clippings and photographs of the previous owners of the house, who had disappeared without a trace. According to the articles, the couple had been deeply in love but were plagued by constant arguments. Eventually, they had both vanished without a trace. The estate manager had lied to them and this made them angry.

As they were reading through the articles, they heard the sound of footsteps coming from the hallway. They quickly closed the chest and ran down the stairs, but when they got to the hallway, there was no one there. They realized that they were not alone in the house, and that the spirits of the previous owners were still there.

Feeling both disturbed and hopeless, they decided to leave the house that night. They packed their belongings and moved out as soon as possible.

John and Sarah never spoke of their experience again, but the memory of the house stayed with them forever. The spirits of the previous owners may still be trapped in the house, forever locked in the cycle of their own arguments and regrets.

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