Movie Night

It was a cold night, the moon could be seen clearly and the neighborhood was quiet. It felt like there was a curfew but Jenny was sure there wasn't any. She pulled up at Mikey's, her boyfriend's lawn and stepped out of the car after switching off the engine. She was tired but all she needed right now was some cuddles from Mike.

She walked into her boyfriend's apartment, it was a highrise building with Mikey's apartment being the top floor. She got out of the elevator, stepped into the room and looked around. She was surprised at how different his apartment looked from the last time she had visited. She had always known that Mike was a bit of a slob, In fact he was one. But today everything seemed different. The whole place was spotless. The living room was clean and tidy, and there was even scented candles on the dining table.

"Wow, Mike, you've really cleaned up your act," Jenny said with a smile. "You must have got something big in stock for tonight?"

Mike turned to her and grinned. "Yeah, I thought I'd make an effort for my favorite girl."


Jenny blushed and walked over to him. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. They had been dating for a few months now, and things were starting to get serious. Infact she couldn't wait for the day he'll pop the question.
But today, Jenny couldn't wait to spend the evening with the love of her life, shehad been looking forward to it all day, just the two of them, no disturbances. Sipping on champagne and seeing a movie while cuddled up in the couch. She had even brought a bottle of wine and a DVD of thier favorite romantic comedy.

As they settled onto the couch, Mike turned on the TV. Jenny rolled her eyes. "I thought we were going to watch the movie I brought. Our movie actually"

Mike glanced over at her with a guilty look on his face. "Sorry, Jenny. I just wanted to check something out really quick."

Jenny looked at the TV screen and saw that he had turned on a reality TV show. "Mike, you know I hate reality TV. And not today we've already planned for weeks. Can't we watch something else?"

"I know, I know," Mike said, still not taking his eyes off the TV. "But you've got to see this. It's the season finale of "Dangerous Island.' I've been following it all season."

Jenny groaned. She had heard of the show before. It was one of those competitions where a group of strangers were stranded on a deserted island and had to fend for themselves. She thought it was ridiculous and couldn't understand why anyone would want to waste their time to watch it. Well she paid no attention to it, it was just for a few minutes and it'll be over. So she moved on with telling Mike about how her day went.

But Mike was completely engrossed in the show, and Jenny could tell that he wasn't paying attention to her at all. She continued trying to hold a conversation, but he kept interrupting her with comments about the show. "Oh my God, did you see that?" "I can't believe she just did that." "This is intense."

Jenny was getting frustrated. "Mike, can we please turn this off?"

"Just let me watch the end," Mike said, not taking his eyes off the screen.

Jenny sighed and got up from the couch. "I'm going to get some air outside."


She walked out onto the balcony and looked out at the city skyline. She was furious, it felt like she was second fiddle to a stupid TV show. She knew that Mike had a bit of an obsession with reality TV, especially one like that but she had never realized how bad it would be for a reality TV show to ruin their perfectly planned evening.

She stood there in the cold for a few minutes, looking out into the city skyline it was beautiful but the mood she was in at that moment couldn't let her seize in all the beauty. She didn't know when Miike came out onto the balcony and held her from behind.

"Sorry about that, Jenny. I got a bit carried away." He apologized

"It's fine," Jenny said, trying to keep the annoyance out of her voice. "But I just don't get why you're so into these shows. They're not even real. I mean it's all scripted"

Mike looked at her with a surprised expression. "What do you mean they're not real? These are real people, in real situations."

"Sure, but it's all edited and scripted. It's not like they're really surviving on an island or living in a house with a bunch of strangers. Who seriously would want to risk their life by living in an island for months"

Mike shrugged. "I know it's not exactly how it's portrayed, but I still find it entertaining. It's like my guilty pleasure."

Jenny sighed. "I guess, but I just don't see the appeal. It's not like we need to escape from reality. We have everything we need right here."

Mike nodded. "I get it. But sometimes it's nice to just zone out and watch something mindless."

Jenny frowned. "But what about us? I want to spend time with you, not with the TV."

Mike took her hand. "I know, and I'm sorry. The evening isn't far gone yet, I can still make it up to you."

Jenny smiled, feeling a bit better. "Okay. How about we watch the movie I brought? Seriously it's our favorite movie remember" she said turning around and wrapping her arms over his neck.

Mike grinned. "Sounds good to me."

And with that they walked back into the House and settled back onto the couch.
Jenny still couldn't help it . She felt a bit distracted as the movie started. She kept glancing over at Mike, wondering if he was really paying attention. She didn't want to be the nagging girlfriend, but she also didn't want to be ignored.

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