Manor House

Photo by Thirdman:

As the ritual has been every year in the small town of Silent Hills, it was Halloween night. There was light fog in the air, a gentle chill breeze blew through the bare branches of the trees in the corners of the street. The streets were exceptionally quiet, except for the few occasional shouts of

"Trick or treat!" from groups of children in different Halloween costumes.

The evening was gradually getting darker, now the children must make their way home, only a few sturborn ones were left in the street.

And among them were a group of friends - Amber, Cameron, and Lucy.

The three friends were all in the same age bracket of ten. And had known each other from childhood. They were known to be fearless, even at a tender age. Also the loved adventure.

And that was their plan as they gradually reduced their steps while other kids walked home. They wanted to explore the old manor house that sat on the edge of town. It was rumoured to be haunted, and every year on Halloween night, none of the kids had ever been brave enough to approach it for a truck or treat.

But tonight, as the fog swirled around them, Amber brought the idea and the rest bought it.

"Hey, come on, who amongst you guys will go up to the front door and ring the bell." she said, her voice laced with adventure.

Cameron and Lucy looked at each other. Now they were unsure of the idea. The manor house has never looked more intimidating than it was in that misty darkness.

"You guys are chicken if you don't do it!" Amber added.

Those words must have hurt the boys as Cameron said. "I'm not chicken!", stepping forward. He hurried up the drive to the front door, while his friends followed behind.

As Cameron got to the huge front door, he noticed it was made of wood and looked worn. The knocker also was in the shape of a baby, creeping him out. But he took a deep breath and with much willpower, he raised the knocker, then he let it fall with a clang. The sound echoed through the house.

Suddenly, the door creaked open. At first, it was only the size of a crack, then it opened wider to reveal a lanky old woman standing in the darkness. She was clothed in a long black robe that revealed only her face.

The kids gasped with their mouths wide open and shocks in their eyes. Then they gently took some steps back, their hearts pounding fast in their chests. The thought of running away filled their minds, but before they could turn and run, the old woman spoke, her voice calm but echoing with the hallway.

"Hello children. Come on in, join me."

The kids looked at each other, they absolutely had no idea of what to do. But Amber the brave one swallowed hard and said. "We...we just want some treats," her voice shaking.

"There's enough inside. Come I'll show you" the old woman said, opening the door wide, to let the kids step into the dark hallway.

The interior of the manor house was just as every other house. Except for the walls which were covered in cobwebs, and the old floorboards that creaked with every step. The only light in the hallway was from a few flickering candles placed at strategic places in the house.

Leading them to what seemed like a large dining room. "Please, seat," the old lady offered, gesturing to a group of chairs carefully arranged around the table.

With fearful looks in their eyes l, the kids hesitated before sitting down. They watched as the old woman took a seat.

"In years, you kids have been the only guests I had" she said

"Like I said, we were just... just trick-or-treating. And we... we got lost." Amber said in short breaths.

The woman nodded. "I'm surprised you came, even though you've heard rumours of this house being haunted?"

They all nodded.

"Brave ones I must say. You all must know or must have heard that there is more to this place". She paused, "Want to hear about it?"

Again the kids hesitated but this time the inquisitiveness in their eyes told them they wanted to hear the story as they adjusted in their seats. "Yes" they echoed.

"Well, I own this place," the old woman said. "And I'll tell the story behind my house. Just a tiny little story of love and loss," she added.

The kids sat up a little straighter, curious in spite of their fear.

"There once lived a man in this house," the old woman began. "A lonely man, he had no family and friends. One day , he fell in love with a beautiful and kind woman. Few months later, they got married, and bought this house to live happily and content. But one day, the woman fell ill to a strange sickness. Unfortunately, the doctors couldn't save her life. She died, leaving the man alone once more. But her spirit hovered around the house"

By now, the kids were listening intently to the story.

"Broken by the death of his wife and also not being able to stand living in this huge house alone, he moved out. And so this house sat empty for many years. Few years later, a new happy family moved in. Young couple, with a new baby. They had no idea of the history of this house, but they made this house their home.

"One night, something strange happened. Their baby fell ill to a strange sickness. No doctors could tell what was wrong." Her voice gradually became emotional. " For years the baby did not grow like other children. She remained baby-like, with limbs thin and weak. The parents were terrified, yet determined to care for their child. And so they did their best to raise it as normal"

The kids were shivering at this point, imagining the scene.

"One day the child died. Turns out she was possessed by the spirit of the first woman who had died mysteriously here" The old woman got up and moved to a drawer, she opened it and brought out a handful of candies, walked back and gave them to the kids. "That baby was my baby. And I lost my husband afterwards to a strange illness too. I've been advised to leave this place but I love this house, it's where I find my peace. In this house I feel close to my lost ones" She said looking around the house in admiration. Then she turned to the kids.

"Now run along for it already past bedtime."

With that the kids ran out of the house. Just at the gate, they threw away the candies the old woman gave them out of fear and vowed never to return to that house again.

All their lives, they've never seen anyone so weird

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