Dreams And Daylight Nightmare.

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"I had that dream again Henry." Jamie, my kid brother, uttered as he entered my room.

"About aliens invading earth? Or spooky creatures walking the face of the earth?" I replied, paying no attention to him but rather focused on preparing for the forthcoming sports day where I would be leading the school football team. I had my hairbrush in my arms.

At that point only the day's agenda and the responsibility of driving us to school safely occupied my mind. I couldn't wait for our parents to join us later to witness my athletic prowess.

But Jamie persisted, "Yes, but this time it felt more real. It was..."

"Dude, please tell me you're ready". I interrupted, exhibiting impatience and turning around to face him. "And, for the umpteenth time bro, there is no such thing as aliens. They're all products of Hollywood fiction; they don't exist." I dropped my hair brush and grabbed my car keys and walked out of the room, urging him to follow suit. "Let's go; I don't want to be late."

Determined to share the details of his dreams, Jamie followed behind. "Can you just hear me out please" he asked.

I'm sure he could sense the irritation on my face as I dismissed him again, "You know the only thing I can do for you now is to help you tell Mom to discard all your video games about aliens, and ban you from watching 'Alien Stories', because clearly, it's messing up your head dude."

We walked to the garage, and just before I opened the car door, I paused, gazed at Jamie intently . "Please don't talk about aliens or your dreams again today. Not while I'm driving, not in school, and especially not when you meet me with Lizzy." Lizzy was my girlfriend.

Jamie gave me an irritated look, "I'll get the gate open" was all he could say.

I watched as he walked to the gate, then I opened the driver's door, ignited the engine. And after waiting for Jamie to close the gate and settle down in the car, I sped towards school.

It was a busy day at the school field. The air was filled with the sounds of laughter and excitement. The sun was shining brightly, bringing out the lushness and green of the grass. The scenery was endowed with colourful flags and banners.

The Children ran around, chasing balls, jumping rope, each practising their sports moves. Parents and teachers watched from the sidelines, everyone was cheering on their little athletes or team. And ofcourse there were snacks and drinks on sale. The atmosphere was generally lively for a friendly competition.

Amongst all that commotion, were two happy faces at the stands - my parents. They had gotten to my school a few minutes earlier just before the football match started.

Finally the football match started with spirited vigour and my team was leading in the game.

Suddenly, a collective gasp swept across the field as everyone's attention was drawn skyward. There was a strange object in the sky. It started out as a mere speck and gradually it got bigger as it approached the school field. It was a spaceship.

Immediately the football match halted as everyone focused on the unidentified flying object hovering above the school field. The tension in the air was pulsating, it was like a scene from a Hollywood blockbuster.

Before anyone could comprehend what was happening we saw aliens descending from the UFO and grabbing people back to their ship. They aliens were kidnapping humans. A wave of panic and confusion surged through me. Was Jamie's forewarned dream unfolding right before my eyes?.

Paralyzed with fear, I stood there trying to understand what was going on. As chaos filled the place. Parents yelled for their wards and kids cried for their parents. An unimaginable scene.

Drowning and frozen in my own thoughts, I heard a familiar voice call me through the turmoil.

"Henry!" It was Jamie.

I looked and at the distant end of the field, was my parents and Jamie anxiously waiting for me inside my dad's car. I shook myself back to reality.

"Look out, Henry, there's an alien behind you!" I heard my mother's panicked cry. It Fueled my adrenaline as i swerved quickly, giving a fear-fueled punch that sent the alien staggering a few steps behind. Seizing that precious moment, I ran towards my family with the alien in pursuit behind.

Jumping over fallen people and manoeuvring obstacles, the chaos now was indescribable. Luckily I got to my family's car and jumped into an already opened door from Jamie, my heart pounding. Like an F1 racer, my dad swerved quickly towards the gate and we sped away from the nightmare unfolding on the school field.

I was dumbfounded for as long as we drove away. I'm sure everyone else was until Dad broke the heavy silence.

"Is everyone okay?" He glanced at us through the rearview mirror while reaching out to touch my already shaken Mum seated beside him.

Jamie nodded.

"What in the world just happened?" I asked instead, unable to grasp what just happened, fear laced in my voice

"Alien invasion," Jamie calmly said, with the 'I told you so' look on his face. I wondered how he managed to remain so calm.

As if to seek confirmation, Dad reached for the car radio and turned it on. And reverberating through every radio station was news about alien invasion.

Truly aliens have invaded earth.

Just then a government broadcast came up on the radio.

'This message is from the United County Government. All surviving citizens of United County are to report immediately to the military bunker in Mitios State for your safety. This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not at drill"

I watched as dad looked up to mum and then to us. "Hang on!" he commanded us, then he swerved hard to the left. Taking a lonely road, just as other cars on the road. I'm sure they heard the announcement too and were headed now to the state of Mitios just like us.

I leaned my head on the window.
"What becomes of mankind now" I asked myself.

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