An Inkwell prompt: Midnight Getaway


Tomike and Douglas had just gotten married few months back. Tomike is a divorced Nigerian woman who moved to Texas with her 15 year old son while Douglas is a divorced American with no child. Everything had been going so beautifully well until Tomike’s mum -Bimbo came to visit all the way from Nigeria and as expected she would stay in their house. Now, Douglas’ mother- Dorothy had a stroke two years ago and has also been living with them as well.

Since Bimbo had come to Texas everyday has been filled with so much arguments, complaints and commotion as if the stress Dorothy was giving the newly married couple wasn’t enough.

“Tomike! Tomike!”. Bimbo shouted.

“Yes mummy!”. Tomike responded

“Why are you buying take outs for your husband, his mum and your child to eat when you should be cooking!!!”. She complained.

“Ahh mummy but I’m tired. I’ve been at work all day”. Tomike said exhausted.

“No wonder your husband is loosing weight!”. She screamed again

“I like her!”. Dorothy said referring to Bimbo while laughing.

“I can make something for all of us to eat”. Dele who is Tomike’s son chipped in.

“Shut up who asked you to talk?”. Both Tomike and Bimbo shouted.

“I was just trying to help”. Dele said and shrugged his shoulders.

“Are you talking back at your mum and grand mum?”. Tomike scolded

“Wow you Nigerians are fiesty!”. Dorothy said laughing again.

“I need a glass of wine”. Dorothy said while planning to use her automatic wheelchair to pour herself one.

“Dele! Pour Dorothy a glass of wine and a glass for me as well”. Bimbo said.

Dele being tired of the constant scolding even though he’s used to it, does what he was asked while he takes his own portion of the takeout and goes to his room.

Tomike takes a portion for herself and Douglas and goes to their room while leaving both mothers to continue with their gossip, fun and drinking.

Back in the room

“Douglas I’m so exhausted! My mum is so annoying. I can’t even get a break from her constant bickering”. Tomike complained.

“Me too honey, why do you think I’ve been in here. I got food delivered to our window not the door! It’s as if they always have something to complain about!”. Douglas replied

“Oh no! I left my phone out there in the sitting room. I can’t go back there, why can’t you be a darling and get it for me”. She pleaded while batting her eyelashes.

“I rather buy you a new phone and get it delivered to our bedroom window than go out there. I’m avoiding them as much as you are”. Douglas said while chuckling.

“I wish there was a way we could leave without them noticing”. He added.

“Welllll, there is a way. We can jump through the window and land on the rose bush while we order an Uber to the club near by since they might notice we’re gone if the car is missing”. Tomike said cheerfully.

“That’s a great plan. But we have to wait till midnight to leave. By then they must be fast asleep and then we both can dance the rest of the night away at the club”. Douglas said happily.

Few minutes past midnight

They had arrived at the nearby club and as planned they were having fun drinking and dancing. It felt so good to spend some quality time together.

At least until tomorrow where they have to go back to face the tune of their overly-complaining mothers.


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