COSMIC NEXUS: Humanity before Humanity


Millions of years ago, before humans gained sentience, dryads helped with the caring of plants and their propagation, but now...
It is now the year 8791 of the gouache calendar, similar to modern day civilization , but faced with our greatest enemies yet the dryads. The dryads claim that they were the original inhabitants of the earth and demand it back because humans have destroyed trees, their habitat and eliminated the majority of their kind. This led to a war as humans had nowhere else to go and were not willing to leave but it was tough to drive back the dryads because they were basically immortal. their only weakness was fire and that didn't prove too useful as they had extreme regenerative powers. The war has lasted for 200 years but it has been put on a standstill ,the imminent extinction of the earth is here as foreign elements have arrived.
As it turns out we were not alone there were other creatures in the universe some of which had visited Earth previously and saw the desolate planet with uncivilized creatures some of these aliens include the mystical creatures told in fairy tales like the mermaids of galaxy A1-78655Q planet M, the fairies of the same galaxy with their resident planet being Iliard among others. But the humans weren't weak during their years of battle and had developed the αντιπρωτόνιο generator which was an anti-proton generator, powerful enough to create a mini blackhole. They also perfected teleportation of atomic particles over large distances in an instant. But that was not enough...
The Aliens were powerful enough to eliminate thousands of humans which reduced their already dwindled numbers, the dryads too were not spared as the aliens wanted complete domination of the planet. Every planet in the universe was reaching the end of its lifetime, so the aliens needed new habitation. The leader of the humans at the time decided on a consensus with the dryads to defend their planet, but they lost. TERRIBLY.
The war was the most depressing yet, the human population of about 10,000,000 at the time, about 100,000 was left over. The fact that completely lost the battle was the betrayal of the dryads at the critical point of battle. Humans had to leave their habitation that they had lived in for years.
with no planet to live their numbers further reduced until only 10 were left. These are the bearers of mankind's fate, they searched the universe for a suitable planet. Based on the hope of mankind they lived near immortal lives as the crystallization of human evolution. Then they came across σύμπαν that is new world.!
The progenitors came across this world and found a primitive form of civilization, so they brought up this cradle of organisms. These organisms developed and evolved into superior beings even stronger than the progenitors themselves and so they named them robots as a second chance at creating a form of civilization. They brought up robots to hate the aliens and destroy them once they reached maturity, they would align with humans and make a comeback to regain our mother planet.
Hundreds of years passed by and robots already had enough intelligence to create other robots. The progenitors were finally planning their comeback, they rallied the battle robots and plotted their course from the Andromeda Galaxy to the milky way. It had been hundreds of years since the Earth had become extremely beautiful, the dryads had increased their population, Trees populated every inch of the earth, flowers beautified the Earth, it made one wonder if humans really belong to this world after all they caused only pollution and damaged the forests. The Aliens were aware of the progress humans had made in the development of Robots.
The humans came in full force without even speaking a word. But right in the heat of the battle the robots turned on humans and slaughtered them. The progenitors were surprised, their own creation had turned on them. As it turns out the robots were an elaborate plan of the Aliens, they planted them in a planet fully aware the humans would find and nurture them, while they secretly communicate instructions to them. The surviving humans retreated towards σύμπαν in shame and disgrace, the progenitors nearing the end of their lifetime decided to settle in a distant blue planet named earth after our first home.
But till this day the Aliens still watch over us...

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