The supernatural events of Alyen - The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #107

Alyen lived in a housing development called Catia, it was a small house that only had 2 bedrooms, in one room slept her mother Cramela, who worked in a family house, and in the other she slept with her brother Jacob, the house also had a living room and a small bathroom. She was a fourth year architecture student at UCV, she had to get up at 4 in the morning to go to class. Alyen was a very outgoing, kind and loving girl, but behind all that joy, there were hidden fears that she developed at night.

One night while she was sleeping, she looked towards the fan, she realized that inside the fan blades there was a boy smiling at her, he was wearing a colorful striped flannel, she closed her eyes, opened them again, saw the boy again, she thought it was Jacob joking with her, her nerves surprised her and with a trembling voice she shouted "Jacob, Jacob, leave me alone" he answered "can't you see I'm asleep, you've already started seeing ghosts" Alyen had no choice but to fall asleep until the alarm clock rang to go to the university.

The next day, she took her backpack and went to her mother's room, gave her a kiss on the cheek and took money to go to college. When she got to class, the professor ordered her to make a model of a resort. Alyen had a scholarship that she received monthly, and with the money she earned that month she bought the materials she would use to make the model. She arrived home, almost at night, her mother when she saw her said "daughter you look exhausted, why don't you take a shower and come and have something to eat? "
Alyen replied "yes mother, I will, I have a very hard day, I have to make a model and I don't know how long it will take me."
the young woman took a shower, ate, then took the mattress, a sheet and her pillow out to the living room, she set to work on the floor cutting and gluing some cardboard, she worked all night, when she realized that the first rays of sunshine were already coming out, she ran out, washed her face, grabbed her backpack and left for the university.

Alyen spent a week of work without sleeping, when she had two days left to complete the model, she noticed that the work was well advanced, the tourist complex had a hotel with private parking, two recreation centers, two swimming pools, she named it "Sol y Sombra" . Seeing all this progress, the young woman decided to lie down for a while, after an hour, the young woman woke up and got up to stop to finish the project, when she turned her face to pick up the pillow, she saw herself lying down, it was as if her soul left her body for a moment, her astonishment was so great that she decided to lie down again, staying sound asleep until one o'clock in the afternoon. When she woke up, she told her brother what had happened to her, he suggested "I think you should go to the doctor, you spent a week without sleeping, I think you are hallucinating" she said "I am not crazy".

It was time to present the project, Alyen could not afford a cab, so she had to take a bus to the university, on the way she was standing holding on to the railing of the bus with one hand and with the other she was holding the model. She arrived at the university, she presented her model with great confidence, being a student with the best grade in defending the subject and the best model, so the model stayed at the university for a possible exhibition. Alyen finished her classes at 6 o'clock in the evening, on her way back home she was on the bus very exhausted from her studies, next to her sat a girl, and greeted her "hello, Alyen, how are you, do you remember me, I'm Clementina".
Alyen " well, of course I remember you, do you still live in La Pastora?"
Clementina "yes, in the same place as always, I happened to be visiting a friend, now I'm on my way back home".

They were talking about everything, they hadn't seen each other for about five years, when the bus arrived to La Pastora Clementina said "stop, please" she said to Alyen "I paid your fare, so don't worry, see you soon".
Alyen "I'll visit you at your house later".

The bus stopped, Clementina got off, Alyen in her seat looked at the floor and saw Clementina's ID card, she took it and put it in her backpack. She got home and told her mother that she had seen Clementina and that on Saturday morning she was going to visit her because she had left her ID card lying around.

Early Saturday morning, Alyen left for La Pastora to visit Clementina. She arrived at her house, knocked on the door, Clementina's mother opened it, Alyen greeted her with much affection "that's right Mrs. Jusepina, I am here, because yesterday I met Clementina after a long time she lost her ID card. Mrs. Jusepina, very dismayed, did not know what to say, Alyen seeing her astonished face said "what's wrong, do you feel bad?" the lady answered "no, nothing, but I can't believe what you are telling me, please go to the house and sit down, I have to tell you something".
Alyen, sat down on a velvet piece of furniture, very attentive to what the lady was going to tell her.
Jusepina " Clementina is not here, four years ago she died, of a strange disease, she began to lose weight, the doctors never knew what syndrome she had been given, one night she lay down to sleep and the next day, she was no longer breathing. Alyen, she loved you very much, she always remembered when you studied together in high school".

Alyen, was petrified, with what the lady was telling her. The young woman said to Mrs. Jusepina "I have been seeing supernatural things for a long time, even unusual things have happened to me, yesterday I personally talked to my friend Clementina". At that moment, Alyen knew that she had the ability to witness and feel amazing events.

This is a fiction story.
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