The Africa Ramson events - The Ink Well fiction Prompt # 108

That day two strange things happened. Africa Ramson received a call, it was aunt Blesy, a white lady with short gray hair "hello Africa I'm calling to tell you that your grandmother Rebecca is very sick, she says she is in her last days on earth and wants to see you", without saying anything the young woman hung up the phone, put on her glasses, a loose dress, her skinny body made her look like a candle, she packed her bags, started the car and started the trip from Michigan to Madison - Wisconsi, an extremely long trip of approximately 463 kilometers on the road.

While she was driving she could not get over her astonishment, she remembered the best moments of her childhood and adolescence with her tender and loving grandmother, her face looked like a river of tears, just thinking about not arriving on time for her departure. When Africa had been on the road for almost four hours, between the tiredness of her body and the sobbing of her eyes, when leaving a curve she found a straight road, while driving she was surprised by a black object that crossed the road, she stepped on the brakes of the car to avoid crashing but it did not respond, she took control of the steering wheel until she was able to park the car. She turned to the sides to identify the object, everything was calm as if no incident had occurred, she looked at her watch, she visualized that she had a few minutes left to reach her destination, the young woman straightened the car and continued driving.

It was almost dark, Aunt Blesy was in the kitchen preparing a coffee for the family that was in the house with her, she heard the sound of a car, she looked out the window to see who was there, she realized that it was Africa that had arrived. Aunt Blesy came out to meet her, hugged the young woman, with tears in her eyes she told her "it has been two hours since your grandmother passed away, she was talking about you coming to see her, for a moment she fell asleep, from there she did not breathe anymore". Africa felt that her soul was leaving her, so much effort to not arrive on time, she only had to enter the house, greet the family, entered the grandmother's room, put the suitcase on a chair that was next to the bed of his grandmother, she saw her asleep, it did not seem that she had died, she gave her a kiss on the forehead.

She heard the voice of aunt Blesy "Africa come to eat, you must be tired and hungry".

Africa answered "just a moment, I'm going to change my clothes".

When she turned to grab the suitcase from the chair, she realized that the suitcase was on the floor, she thought with a frown "that's strange, I swear I put the suitcase on the chair"
however she did not pay attention to the event, she changed clothes, went to the kitchen and ate a sandwich that her aunt had prepared for her. When the time came, the family members went home, leaving only Aunt Blesy and Africa at home. The young woman said to her aunt "don't worry about me, I'll sleep in the room with grandma, I just need a mattress, a pillow and a sheet". Her aunt brought her everything she needed, the young woman put the mattress next to the bed, where her grandmother's body was. She put the sheet on the mattress, she put the pillow at the foot of the mattress, she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth, when she came back she found the pillow next to her grandmother, she thought "That's not right, I just left the pillow on the mattress".

She approached her grandmother and said " I know, that right now you must be in another spiritual plane, but from there you are playing some tricks on me, you think I haven't noticed, but yes, I happen to have paid attention to it, but you know, tonight I will sleep with you". Africa lay down to sleep, in bed with her grandmother. The next day very early, her aunt woke her up, "Africa, stand up, the man who is going to prepare the body of your grandmother has arrived" the young woman stood up, everything happened very fast, the man was preparing the body, other men brought the hearse with the urn, after preparing the body they put it in the coffin, they put it in the hearse, from there they all went to the cemetery, after the funeral service, everyone went their own way, Africa stayed a few days to keep her aunt company.

This is a fiction story.
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The image is from pixabay.

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