Sheilamar - The Ink Well Prompt #102

Sheilamar, was sitting watching the other children playing and running, it was recess time at school, because she had one foot smaller than the other, a physical defect from birth, when she tried to run she would fall breaking her knees, so the only thing she did was to walk. Despite her situation, she was very sociable, one of the best students in the fourth grade class, when the teacher asked a question, she always stood out among the students with the correct answer.

At recess at her school, although her greatest desire was to run, she delighted in watching her friends run and jump, she took out of her backpack a bag where her mother had kept her snack, it was delicious chocolate marquise cake, she loved cookies, pudding, drinks, any snack where chocolate was present. While she was tasting her dessert, suddenly she felt a great pain in her mouth, she shouted "it hurts, it hurts me a lot, help, somebody help me, please", the teacher Doxis, who was her classroom teacher, saw her crying, her eyes looked like cataracts, she said: "Sheilamar, what's wrong, why are you crying?", the girl between tears, touching her face, said: "I don't know, I was eating my cake and my teeth started to hurt". The teacher Doxis, took her by the hand, took her to her classroom, sat on a chair, took her bag, it had a lock that was a big magnet, it made a very strange noise, "trocoto, trocoto" when she opened it she introduced her hand, took out a pill and her cell phone, it was an analgesic to calm the girl's pain. After Sheilamar took the pill, Miss Doxis proceeded to call the representative, "Mrs. Maglis, how are you?

The girl's mother responds: "Hello teacher, I'm fine, and you, is there any abnormal situation with my daughter? The teacher explains to the representative the situation that is happening. Immediately, the mother went to the school, picked up the child and took her to the dentist. While at the dentist's office, she explains the incident. The dentist in her white coat said, "Ma'am, come in here, please sit the child in the chair. When Sheilamar saw that big chair, with that dazzling lamp, she felt a little afraid, at the same time her mother took her hand so that she would feel safe. The dentist told her "baby, open your mouth" when the girl opened her mouth, she felt a foreign object enter her mouth, the doctor told her: "calm, that is the curette, the dental instrument to check your mouth, you have a small cavity in a tooth, but nothing that cannot be solved, I will make a small hole where I will place an amalgam". At the instant that the doctor began to drill the tooth, she began to scream in desperation "mommy, help me, get me out of here, please", her mother together with a nurse, who entered at the precise moment, held the girl so that the doctor could work.

She expressed to her daughter with words of love: "princess of my heart, calm down so the doctor can do her job, so you don't get more pain, take a deep breath so you can get rid of your fear". The girl was very obedient to her mother's suggestions, the doctor finished her work by placing a cure and told her: "I will wait for you in eight days to remove it and place a platinum, so that the tooth will last a lifetime" Sheila, holding her mother's hand very tightly, looked at the doctor with terrified eyes, with her other hand she said goodbye to the doctor's office out of politeness.

The day of the consultation arrived, Mrs. Maglis called Sheilamar "Sheila, my love, please hurry up, we are going to be late for the dental office" the girl did not answer, her mother was worried, she went to her room, she found her crying and said: "mommy, I don't want to go, the sound of that apparatus terrifies me" her mother answered: "we must go, to get out of this situation, don't worry, I will be by your side" she felt very secure when she heard her mother's words. When they arrived at the doctor's office, the doctor received her with a smile on her lips, she hugged her, gave her a kiss on the cheek and said: "hello, Sheilita, how have you been feeling?" the girl very kindly shook her head to say yes, the doctor said: "if you behave well, I will give you your favorite dessert" she obediently got on the couch, when she felt fear she breathed deeply until they put her platinum. After a while, the doctor told her: "ready, you looked beautiful and above all you behaved very well, you have earned your prize". When the doctor gave her her chocolate cookie, she smiled and expressed her sympathy towards the doctor, took her prize, hugged her tenderly and left very happy with her mother.

This is a fiction story.
The drawing was done by me.
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