By The Riverbank

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Do you remember the first time you fell in love? The burning sensation and the unspeakable joy you felt within your heart each time you see your lover coming toward you. Like a camera with high focus, your eyes stay glued to them as the entire world becomes blurred. In that moment, you would do anything to remain in that state forever.
The night was cold and dark. The lightning early from the downpour had created a chain reaction that affected the light in my house. The circuit breaker had been malfunctioning for weeks but this time it gave way to the power of the thunder. I wondered if the issue was exclusive to me alone since I’ve heard no complaints from the neighbours.
I’ve had a very long day. The work I supervised at the site was more stressful than anticipated. In my line of work, determination alone won’t get you to achieve your set goals. Strength is a major requirement to keep up with the tediousness that the job entails.
I have lived alone since I left the city into the remote town of BazeVille which is situated behind a gigantic mountain that is almost akin to Mount Everest in terms of size and height.
The people of this hidden little town mostly kept to themselves. Their family-like lifestyle made everyone feel welcomed, safe and comfortable in the environment. The tall green trees, the beautiful animals roaming around the community without any fright for their lives truly impressed in me the ideals of a peaceful place whose love stretched far beyond the human race but also into the animal kingdom.
It’s been barely two months since I moved into the town determined to never return to my past life. As a man who had lived without any cares in the world, my carelessness and thoughtlessness towards seeing the importance of people as a bedrock to a better life, broke the trust of the people I held dear in my life.

They tried to show me a better path but pride, ego and my insatiable desire to be at the top crashed through the relationship I’ve built over the years.
I thought there’s nothing left for me anymore. Everyone had turned their backs on me and for good reason. I stood at the river bank to catch my breath after my daily runs through the woods. The sun had just reached its peak and the woods had become more alive to the insects and birds as they made their presence known through their consistent and intermittent chirps. The sounds made it seem like the woods was having a concert in which the bands invited all played their different tunes at the same time.
I walked closer to the river till I could see my own reflection in the waters.
I hadn’t trimmed my beards for weeks and the new look made me look like a mountain goat with lots of beards. It wasn’t a great look on me.
“What are you hoping to find over there?” A beautiful tender voice sent signals through my brains as my ears quickly deciphered the direction the voice came from. I turned back and that’s when I saw her. My heartbeats raced faster with a thumping sound that rivalled the melody of the forest.
My stomach felt empty and light as words failed to escape my mouth. My legs became like a tree whose roots run deep into the ground. I stood there motionless, as my sights worked to overcome the compelling gaze of the creature standing before me.
I took a few steps back causing me to lose my footing as I plunged head first into the water.
She ran forward and for a movement the sun in all its brightness seemed to have focused on her. She had the mesmerising look of an Angel who had descended from up high on an errand to rescue a lost soul. I felt completely downcast and unworthy to stand before such a beauty.
“Are you okay mister?” She asked as she came closer with the same looks of sincere concern written all over her.
I managed to utter the word “fine” in complete embarrassment. I’ve been in love before but never have I ever been so lovesick with a total stranger that I’m only meeting for the first time.

She extended her left hand to me with a smile and asked, “do you need a hand?”
I muttered the words “yes” and gave her my hands. She hummed a musical tone with her sweet voice as we walked away from the river back into the town.
Time went by without much notice, and like a pre-planned affair she responded in kind to my affection. She taught me a lot about herself and the people of the beautiful remote little town of BazeVille. Her unique personality and character opened up a new channel within me to a better understanding of people and their uniqueness.
And like a soldier that has finally found his way home after a very long battle, I got better in character, attitude and with my commitment to keeping the trust of people. Our relationship became one that brought about a deeper longing for one another even as we became the parents to two beautiful twins whom we named David and Daisy.

Four years after Doris and I got married, she decided to move with me back to my home to help me restore the trust that I had lost. It was a most beautiful experience. Like the prodigal son, I was welcomed back into the fold by my family, friends and colleagues. The love I found by the river bank opened up the channel inside me through which a better and more acceptable version of me found expression.

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