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Article: Why humanity isn't sure if alien abductions are real..


Almost half of the human race believe that these creatures called "aliens" have stepped on Earth and exist.
Is it true or are they just flippin' crazy? Let's look at some proof to see if half of the population is right...

Civilians claim that they have been abducted before, as huge portions of time were erased from their memories, like right now being night time but forgetting what happened during the day.
Are the encounter stories real or are they just plain fiction?



CATCH: Victims are very likely to be taken from bed or while driving a car at night, because at night it won't make it too obvious that there's an alien abduction happening right in front of you, or because you are in your deepest zone of relaxation and likely won't notice anything at all.

EXAMINED: Humans get thoroughly examined by aliens and then the aliens get the abductee's memory cleaned.

REINSTATE: After the unearthly creatures find out about your personal life, they take you back from where they abducted you (if they have good memory).

Historical proof of alien abductions..

On September 19, 1961 the Hills, Betty and Barney, spotted a "UFO" on Route 33 New Hampshire.


The "UFO" stalked the Hill's car while driving among the highway then stopping on top of their car. Mr. Barney saw alien figures at the flying frisbee's windows.
Later, the Hills couldn't remember what happened in the last 2 hours.
When the couple came back home they noticed that their vehicle and garments were damaged.

After these events, the Hills visited Mr. Benjamin Simon, a psychiatrist, who hypnotized both Betty and Barney to try to help them recover their wiped out memories.
The couple described the abduction in neat detail.
Their experience with the alien's capture made it very popular!
Does the couple's story seem convincing or just plain conspiracy?

The radar showed that there was indeed a UFO in the area (so now it sounds more convincing).
While being hypnotized Mrs. Betty recalls being shown a map of the alien's home, she later managed to draw it out.
School teacher Marjorie Fish found out that the map was found to be a close match of the star system "Zeta Reticuli".

Do you think that the aliens put all those thoughts into Mrs. Hill's mind in order to misguide the human race? HUH?!

After the couple's case, reports about alien abductions sky rocketed!
Hypnosis became a hot trend to investigate abductions. Memories of abductees contained valuable information to investigate more about the alien events.

Some alien victims are convinced that they saw aliens that had alien children, but more evidence was needed to support the topic. 1980s walked by and DNA testing became achievable, the idea was to test alien bodies in the victim's DNA. No alien DNA was ever spotted.
They either lied about having encounters, or the aliens hid their DNA well.

1990s rushed in and hypnosis fell down the hole.
Scientists say it made fake memories.
The abductee might have imagined something so clearly that it felt as if that event actually happened.

The 4 fishermen

In 1976, 4 men went to do fishing in Allagash, Maine. The 4 people stood around a big campfire, they saw a weird light. In the blink of an eye the campfire burned to ash.
When being under hypnosis, they all recall having memories of being an abductee.
3 out of 1 still believe that the event was real.

How hypnosis works...


Under hypnosis, clients enter a state of sleeping and waking, what their assigned hypnotist say, become reality for the patients!
Well trained hypnotist are well equipped with..

  • Hypnosis methods
  • Lie detectors
  • X-rays
  • DNA test
  • Spectroscope

To recall memories, the hypnotist questions or asks patients to describe their abduction. If the description is real or imagined, it still helped.


All in all there is still no real proof that aliens are among us, scientist are watching the stars every night to see if there are any signs of living beings. Intelligent creatures with an unimaginable IQ might be with us or even creepier.. living with us!

What do you think?
Are aliens actually real?
Or are they just fiction?
Have all these proofs convinced you that aliens do exist?

P.S. Sorry if this is unrelated content, I'm really not sure if this article belongs in this community. Deep apologies.

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