Jeff & Nas

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During the trending days of MMM in 2016, Jeff & Nas got a lot of their coursemates into the system which gave them a massive cashout from the downline's benefits. But they were hooked too because of greed, they played along with the spirit of Ponzi which doesn't allow you stop investing even though you've gained a lot, infact they were pouring back all their earnings into the system in order to earn bigger.

Exactly December of that year when there was a pause in the payment system because of too much withdrawals, everyone that Invested began to panic because some of them invested with their school fees while some invested their whole savings in order to have a massive return to make the festive season "detty"(flaunt cash), but everything turned sour.

Jeff & Nas were held responsible because of how they painted the platform to be legit to them, they tried to explain to them but all their explanations fell on deaf ears.

Amidst the disturbances of their downlines, they were in pain too because all their money was hanging in the site.

"Guy, since the site promised to resume payment in January, we just have to keep hope alive" Nas said in a convincing tone.

"Hahah! Why are you sounding like this as if you don't know how such system works? Once there's a breach, everything is gone" Jeff replied Nas with mixed tone.

"Jesu!, my whole life saving is gone" Nas cried out while rolling on bed.

Before they went on Christmas break, they assured all their downlines with the hope of getting paid the next year even when they knew that hope was far. Although it worked for them because they believed them and reduced their distubances.

Just as expected, January came with another story from the platform and that was when it was dawn on Nas that truely, their money was gone for good.

Lamentation became the order of the day for them, it was as if God caused them because all their life savings were swept off.

They opened up the situation to their downlines which was not taken likely by most of them. But the did has been done, afterall they're not the owners of the site.

Few months after they've forgotten over the ordeal, Jeff came up with an idea to collect back their lost money from the "system". He met Nas and suggested his idea but Nas didn't find it appealing.

"What if we create our own platform to get back our money?" Jeff asked in a suggestive manner.

"I don't get it, you mean we should get a similar site like MMM, get people to register and deposit money and then we'll run away with their money? If that's what you mean, I'm not interested, I can't be involved in such scam" Nas replied him.

"No no no, it's not what you're thinking, we'll create a site but we are not going to dupe people, we'll Rob Paul to pay Peter, and be collecting our portion little by little till when we are full. You don't need to be scared, just follow my lead because I have everything mapped out. And also, we are not going to get our local environment involved, it's gonna be virtual, so you have nothing to be afraid of." Jeff explained to him and got Nas concurred to the plan.

Jeff masterplaned everything and came up with Top Gold as the platform's name where they claimef to trade the money invested by members in Gold exchange and give back 50% ROI based on their deposit at the end of 30days.

Jeff didn't just stopped there, he went to the extent of promoting the platform via Facebook and whatsapp TVs.

They kicked off and everything was working as implemented, the huge ROI (Return On Investment) and the referal percentage were so attractive and the system pulled a great traffic.

Just as they planned from the start, they were using the deposits of people to pay the withdrawals while they were gradually pulling out big funds for themselves on a gradual basis and people were praising the system, sharing testimonies of cashout everywhere.

They did that for two months and funds began to reduce because withdrawals became more than deposits, they noticed that and decided to either improvise or shut down.

"Nas, it's time we shutdown and rest, we won't be at loss because we've collected enough" Jeff suggested to Nas.

"I understand you bro but leaving these withdrawal requests unattended to will be a like a knife cut on their fleshes, please let's improvise, afterall you said at the initial stage that we are not going to dupe anyone" Nas poured out his heart while behaving like a 10years old kid.

"Okay, when I said we'll rob Paul to pay Peter, didn't it occurred to you that Peter's money will finish one day? That day has come, Peter's money has finished. You can use your own money to pay them if you feel like continuing, I'm out" Jeff said as he picked his face cap on the table and zoomed off to where he plugged his laptop in a neighbor's house.

Within few minutes, Jeff called Nas to inform him that he has shutdown the site.
Upon hearing that, Nas could not control himself, so he switched off his phone in order not to be tempted to go online.

Thanks for reading 👏

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