Ike's Adventure



Immediately Ike got to the evil forest, he felt a wave of goosebumps all over his body. He could feel it in the air and he sensed it in his spirit..
'there was an usual wave of silence followed by a series of weird sounds engulfing the environment'.

Like a man possessed he ran towards the giant tree very close to the river..

Sitting on the shed of the giant tree, Ike quickly dipped his hands inside the goat skin bag he was carrying and brought out a couple of charms and performed a ritual of protection.

Ike was a legendary farmer from the kingdom of Ado. The people of Ado where known by all, to be great farmers who where able to produce large quantities of food crops like yam, beans, rice, maize and so much more. The land where extremely fertile for agriculture and they where dubbed food basket of the nation.
The kingdom was really a prosperous and wealthy one.

However, tragedy struck when the once fertile land became infertile. It all started like a joke when rain seized for a whole year, the people didn't expect it all as what followed next was intensive famine.

Through consultation with the oracle of the gods, it was found out that the villager's had offended the goddess of fertility Ani. And the only way to appease him was for a brave man from the kingdom to embark on a journey to the evil forest to offer sacrifice to the goddess.

Ike a brave young man quickly stepped up to this mission filled with adventure and uncertainty trying to save his people from impending doom.

And here he was in the land of the spirit for days trying to bring back the glory of his Kingdom.

Five days later, as Ike continued on his endless mission through the land of the spirit.. He came across an old spirit known as the "wise one".

The encounter with the wise one was quite a mystery and a blessing as Ike was already planning to give up. The wise one took pity on Ike and gave him a magical map.

my son this map would direct you to Ani the goddess of fertility and also back to the human world.

Through the direction of the wise one and the map, Ike was able to locate the shrine of Ani, the goddess of fertility.. There he performed the necessary sacrifice and prayed to Ani for forgiveness on behalf of his people.

The goddess took pity on the people of Ado kingdom and restored fertility to the land, all thanks to the heroics of one man known as Ike the son of Maazi Aku.

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