
Genrated with magic media on canva

Exira had just come from a mythical-themed carnival show but still, she was restless. Her strange and burgeoning appetite for the extraordinary was starting to scare her even. It was almost maniacal at this point. She knew she wanted to be somewhere else but she just didn't know where exactly. She felt the calling and longing deep within her soul and she was becoming so miserable that she couldn't interpret her own feelings.

“If mama were here. I know she'd be able to help me. She had a gift for peculiar things.” Exira was talking to no one in particular. She pushed her long black hair behind her ears and crashed into a couch.

The memory of her mother, the soft ethereal tune coming from her player, and the smell of green fairy burning in her mother’s favorite pot made her nostalgic.

“I snatched this record from Bat Bunny’s Bar because he wouldn't make me a cappuccino. I told him, ‘Exira would come for it one day.” Her mother often said that whenever she played the record.

Exira’s eyes followed a tear that dropped on her white Victorian gown. That was another gift from her mother. Exira squished and more tears drenched her.

Her eyes then fell on a paper in a bottle sitting on the living room shelf. It contained one of the pictures her mother used to draw. Her mother had left this one unfinished.

“Exira! Finish the piece. I know you can. Well, if you finish it, you'll get a chance to go to Elysium. It's like a ticket.“ Her mother had tried to coerce her into finishing the drawing. Exira didn't realize that her whimpers had now softened into a smile. She'd missed her mother so much that she cursed death.

She closed her eyes and recalled Elysium as her mother would often describe it during story time. Exira held the paper up. The only thing missing from the image containing a fantasy beach town was a broom. In her mother's story, the girl had a broom in her hand.

Exira lazily got up to get a pencil. She needed to finish the drawing. She stopped the music, took out the tape, and pocketed it. It was going to distract her from the drawing. Her emotions were all over the place. Perhaps completing the drawing would put her in a state of ease.

She looked at what she had drawn. The broom looked exactly like the ones hung on the wall of the living room. There were three of them. Her mother had crafted her one and the other two belonged to her mother and grandmother.

Suddenly, Exira felt a deep sting in her left hand. She quickly let go of the paper and in no time, a quick force drove her broom from the wall straight into her arm. Exira was shocked at the firm grip. It was as if her hand had a mind of its own that communicated with the broom.

Exira, guided by her hands soon found herself comfortably mounted on the broomstick. Her door shut open and like sorcery, her feet lifted off the ground. With a little vibration, she was now floating. She had now ascended through the door and high up in the sky.

“I'm flying. I'm on a broomstick!” Exira would not stop yelling. She was now among the birds in the sky. She felt chills on her cheek and deep in her soul, there was a release. Her soul was soaring. The longing and calling she had felt was now turning into a sort of fulfillment. She steadied herself before she let air through her hands and hair.

Exira began to feel the broom descending. She didn't want the flight to end but she was curious about her destination. The broom let her land gently. Her feet touched the softest sand she had ever seen. It looked white as snow.

“Well met sister!” A group of young ladies holding broomsticks greeted Exira.

Exira nodded. She was looking at what seemed like a beach town and instantly, she recognized it from her mother's drawings. She realized that the scene she was standing in at that moment was her mother’s drawing. She was the girl in the picture.

“Elysium,” she whispered with bright eyes.

She began walking and exploring this little town that felt like a dream. Exira was quickly drawn into the blues and air of mysticism in Elysium. The town looked futuristic with strange structures and elements in it. There were robots, human-sized sea animals, witches, ethereal creatures and tribes, and humans in suits and headsets. Exira also saw hybrid species, flying machines in the sky, and vehicles that looked like something from way into the future. She was astounded.

She came to a corner building named “Bat Bunny’s Bar.” Inside the bar was equally scenic. Beings of all sorts were having a good time. Exira knew exactly where she was.

“You must be new in town.” A bunny wearing a Batman hat spoke to Exira. “What are you drinking?”

“Cappuccino!” Exira smiled.

The Bunny paused. Through his hat, he stared hard at Exira. Exira then brought out the tape from her pocket and dangled it in the bunny’s face.

“I knew there was something about this face. You are her child, Exira. That little witch. She stole my tape and ran to earth.” The bunny yanked the tape from Exira before making her a hot cup of cappuccino. He then played the record and the bar lit up with an ecstatic tune.

Exira spent her time exploring Elysium and getting to know her kind. She had lots of questions and lots of things to learn for a first-time witch. One day wasn't enough.

Her broom began to twitch. Exira knew it was time to go but she knew she would return to Elysium again soon.

Back home, she hung her broom on the wall carefully beside her mother’s.

“Well met Mama!” she whispered.

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