Midnight Girl - (The Inkwell Prompt #87)

Source: Photo by Sidney lima from Pexels

“Jasmine don’t forget to come along with the hoe and cutlass, we have a lot of work to do today at the farm.” Madam Agnes said in a loud voice. Jasmine who was at the backyard grumbled as she went to pick up the farming tools from the store.

She was about the same age as Madam Agnes younger daughter. Madam Agnes had two daughters (Tolu and Lola).

While Tolu and Lola go to school, Jasmine would be sent to the farm. This was the reason why she grumbled when Madam Agnes called her to get the farming tools.
She has always wished to go to school too like her step siblings. During her daily break at the farm, instead of getting some rest before finishing up, she’d rush to a school close by to peep at the students studying in the classroom through the low fence. No doubt she was an intelligent girl as she was able to learn some poems, read and write just by peeping over the school walls every day and using her step siblings old books she had hidden to learn more at midnight with a candle.

Jasmine was always sad during the day because she was made to work at the farm during week days, run errands and do all the chores at home even on weekends. She was only free and happy at midnight ‘cause Madam Agnes and her daughters would’ve fallen asleep. She’d go to a tree that has roots very comfortable like a bench, sit and stare always at the beautiful moon which brings her tranquil.

After minutes of sitting, she’d start to practice some of the things she’d learnt from peeping over when the students were being taught by their teacher in class. Jasmine practiced by trying to recite some of the poems and other words over and over after she must’ve read her step siblings old books in the kitchen with a candle as usual.

Jasmine was consistent with this act until one midnight something happened in the community. Some thieves stole lots of jewelleries and precious ancient artefacts from the King’s Palace. There was unrest in the community that night as vigilante groups chased the criminals.

Jasmine noticed strange sounds from a close distance, she climbed on the tree to get a good view of what was happening, her mouth opened in shock and her eye balls almost bulged out of the eye socket as she tried not to scream. She witnessed as the thieves dug the ground to hide the artefacts and jewelleries, covered it with grasses before escaping into the bush. They had to hide it somewhere so they could escape the vigilantes then come back to take it some other time. She was able to recognise one of them.

Finally it was daybreak, news had gone out that the King was looking for anyone who can identify the thieves, so the ancestral artefacts and precious jewelleries can be recovered. Jasmine heard the news but for certain reasons was scared to speak up, at the farm she was unproductive because she kept thinking about last night occurrence. She later summoned the courage to speak up.

“My King! My King! May your reign be long and fruitful” Jasmine said while kneeling down before the King at the palace, she was able to decide on the action to take concerning what she saw last night .

“You may get up now young lady, why are you here? Do you have any information concerning the stolen jewelleries and artefacts?” The King said with a deep voice.

“Yes I do your majesty, I saw the thieves last night, I was able to recognise one of them and I can show you where the artefacts and jewelleries were hidden.” She said.

“Oh good, if this is true then I’ll grant anything you wish for.” The King responded with a smile on his face.

Jasmine took the King and his guards to where the items were buried, they dug it up and found the jewelleries and artefacts, she also disclosed the identity of the thief she recognised, after he was caught they used information gotten from him to apprehend the other thieves.

Jasmine was celebrated in the community and finally it was time for her to receive her reward like the King had promised.

“I am a great King, I possess a lot of wealth and can make any of your dream come through so what do you wish for young Lady?” The King boasts as he smiled.

“I want to have a proper education” Jasmine replied.

“Hahaha… is that all? Then it’s done! You’ll get the best education for I’ll send you to London to study, all expenses will be on my Kingdom, this will serve as a good example to all the young boys and girls in the community” The King said in a loud voice before shouts of joy and celebration beclouded the environment.

Madam Agnes was envious of Jasmine, she wanted the reward for her own daughters but there was nothing she could do to that effect.

Jasmine dream had come true!

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