Altruism In The Hands Of A Physician

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It was past five when Evelyn Walker was finally through with all the patients. She didn't go home straightaway, she spent some time easing herself up and drawing in the cool air of the evening. Her mind also dwelt on her dreams and ambitions, most of her thoughts these days dwelt on how to make human existence better, make life easier for Earth's downtrodden. This was what the 29 year old, intelligent doctor considered her major mission in life, and she funnelled all her energies towards achieving, both day and night.

Evelyn had graduated the university about 7 years ago. Her's was what you might call an extraordinary case of child prodigy. She had graduated high school at 14, finished college by 22, and by 25 she had already gotten a practicing license and was employed at the city's general hospital.
She was always felt she was a special one, that she had a special, specific purpose to fulfill among humans. Even as a young child, her eyes didn't fail to notice all the harsh and difficult situations those around her passed through, those plagued by painful illness, gruesome images of war and famine on the news, and whenever she saw them she was very sorely troubled  by them.

She was inspired to the medical field by the disease which had claimed her parents' life when she was 8. The disease was curable but her country lacked medical necessities with which to cure it, and so she was orphaned at a very tender she with her three brothers.



Five years after she was employed at the general hospital, Evelyn opened a private clinic in some good part of town, where she gave (in part) free medical services to the poor. Carried out crucial surgeries for free, and all that. All this placed a financial burden on her as she missed out of the financial benefits she should have gotten had she put a charge on all her medical services to people. But her brother, James was there to help. He was a senatorial representative in one of the states and he largely funded his sister's free medical outreaches.

Three years later, the humanistic efforts of our amiable young doctor, Evelyn, expanded even more. During the pandemic that just ended, she had chanced upon the thought of setting up a research institute aimed towards discovering cures for fatal illnesses. During the pandemic, she had witnessed the gruesome pain and suffering it caused people, first-hand at her clinic and then on the news. An estimated 30 million had perished by the Red Blot pandemic around the world, and about 2 million in her country. She still remembered when the effects of the pandemic in Ecuador was televised. She was so upset by what she witnessed that she hardly slept a wink that night. Her mind was heavy with thoughts


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After a good amount of effort, and financial support from both her half-brother James and her fiancee, Jeremy, the institute finally came to be, The Eve international Institute For Medical and Scientific Research. The day the institute was commissioned, Evelyn felt a great sense relief and satisfaction. Her dream of helping humanity was progressing beautifully and she felt very elated.

During the pandemic, the vaccine that was discovered wasn't very effective. Evelyn's institute finally succeeded in producing a more effective vaccine that halted the spread of the Red Blot pandemic, and within 3 years stamped it out from among humans.



Nothing gave Evelyn much joy as being the cause of happiness of others, liberating people from suffering sorrow and pain, and illuminating their lives with bright light, figuratively. Her mind was constantly working on ways to achieve this lofty and tasking goal. Sometimes her friends and family complained she was taking it too far. But her fiancee, Jeremy, understood his lady perfectly. He gave her all the support and encouragement she ever needed. Jeremy was playing a crucial part in the realization of Evelyn's lofty goals.

Ten years later, Evelyn had her hospitals in about 23 states in her country, which had catered for the medical needs of about 75 million people, most times at no or very little cost. Evelyn's reputation as a philanthropist and humanist resounded through her country. She had come to be adored and loved by the general population, for it was them that benefited most from her good deeds.

Evelyn's humanistic activities had also expanded beyond the medical field, she had set up a philanthropic foundation. In addition to her many hospitals, she had built schools, housing complexes, industries, etc all of very great quality. Her housing complexes were priced in such a way that even the poorest of the society would afford them. And so were the schools and others. 

By the time she was 45, Evelyn had engraved her name in the annals of her country's history, as one of the major people that accelerated it's transformation into a mid-range nation. She had become a national icon and hero. 

All this happened because Evelyn always felt the discomforts of others as if they were her own. Because of this she was ready to make sacrifices to alleviate the sufferings of others, no matter what it cost. Added to that she had a very effective intellect that helped her create plans to achieve her humanistic goals. And achieve them she did. She had been the reason for the happiness of millions and had brought many who were in the region and shadow of death and darkness to the light. 

It wasn't so easy to achieve all these. Evelyn had faced a barrage of obstacles on the way to achieving the extraordinary goal of changing her society. The sleepless nights, the financial burden, wrestling with unfavorable government policies, the disdain of her close acquaintances who didn't believe in her mission, and numerous other hindrances.  
But then all wasn't in vain and her mission among men had been achieved, or rather partly achieved, as she told her husband, Jeremy one evening after they had had supper and was having a nice chitchat on the sofa. 

"Sweetheart I don't think the disfigurement of our dear country, politically, economically and otherwise can be truly removed if there is not a reformation in the leadership. Most of our problems are generated from the fountain head, that is the government, and spread to the masses."

Evelyn paused to take a sip from her glass of wine

"Remember the education policy that almost wrecked my plan for the scholarship project, and numerous other resistance from jealous politicians. That's why I feel that the leadership truly demands a change more than any other cadre in our society" 

Jeremy was silent for a while before he replied, slowly and contemplatively.

"That's a pretty lovely thought on your mind, dear," 

He set down his glass of wine and turned his gaze to his wife

"I believe that is very possible considering your reputation. But the real problem remains how to go about achieving it. I know you can achieve anything you set your mind to, you have proved that numerous times. But I will be glad to know how to plan to go about this one, if you will kindly share it."

 "I am running for the Governorship" 

Evelyn said, somewhat unhesitatingly.
After some time, Jeremy heaved a sigh of relief and then replied,

"That's good. That's very good." 

Then slowly, dramatically, he filled both glasses on the table with the red tasty substance from the bottle, gave one to his wife, and proposed a toast while holding up his glass.

"A toast then to the first female governor of Prien. May we all live to witness it the day it this happens."

The glasses clinked and they swallowed the contents.



And so Evelyn ran for governorship and won. Her 8-year tenure as Governor so transformed her state that it became the best state in the Eastern part of her country, and became dominant in national affairs.

From there she aspired to senatorship, ran and won. Then exactly 23 years after the Extraordinary doctor had began her philanthropic crusades, she had become the first female president of her dear nation.

While in office she endured numerous opposition in her bid to transform the country, especially from jealous, greedy and corrupt politicians. But then she was a woman of iron and she waded through the obstacles as through a grass turf. The change in policies she enacted caused great consternation among the corrupt leaders of her nation, and once or twice an impeachment attempt was made against her but both came to nothing. After eight years of her tenure she had succeeded in erasing the greater part of corruption in her country's leadership and transformed it into a first world nation.

As so at last Evelyn had brought the light of progress to her country which had previously dwelt in the darkness of backwardness. And she had done this as a doctor, a researcher, a philanthropist, an entrepreneur, and finally a politician. 

The amiable doctor had started out on her dreams determinedly exactly 35 years ago, though with little direction. But she had persisted and struggled on despite the odds, and now her dreams had become pleasant realities. She finally experienced that exulting thrill of someone who accomplishes something special and extraordinary. 


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And so the magnanimous spirit of our dear physician had changed her society the way no other person could have done it, not even the wealthiest, most powerful and most influential people in her nation.

To our dear doctor, Evelyn, nothing was sweeter than taking a place among the Heroes and Heroines of History, at least as far as her dear country was concerned. And now that sweet feeling was at it's peak in her heart for her dream had been achieved beautifully among men in her own nation exactly the way she had pictured it 40 years ago as a young  doctor employed at the city's general hospital.

End Of Story.

Thanks For Stopping By To Read.


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