Could this be mystery

Have you ever wondered why you keep things and suddenly forget where you kept them? Sometimes, it could take hours or even days before you find them and it's even more hilarious when you find them in the least of places you ever imagined them to be.

"Stella!!!" My dad's voice bellowed and I shivered in fear.
'what am I going to do?' These thoughts screamed in my head as I rummaged through my things, searching for the ATM card. I was so sure that I had walked into the room with it but where was it?

Suddenly the door went ajar and my little sister walked in.
"Sis, Dad has been searching all over the house for you. Why are you hiding in here?" She asked me.

"Hiding?" I scoffed. "Why would I do that?" I asked her.

She stared at me for some time. "Is Dad's card missing?" She asked me and I pushed past her to see if anyone was heading our way.

"Shut the door now." I shouted. She raised an eyebrow and still did as I asked.

"Dad's card is not missing. I'm just busy. I'll get it for him once I'm done, so mind your own business." I snapped at her.

"Well, your whole attitude says a different thing altogether but anyway, I think you should open up if it's missing. I could be of help." She said again with her gaze on me.

"It's not missing." I screamed at her, irritated by her bugging.

I sighed and cupped my face with my hands. This whole situation was frustrating to me. I was very certain that I had kept that card somewhere in my room but where was it exactly? Seconds later, my parents came into the room. It was game over for me if I couldn't get the card for them.

"Dad, I'm so sorry that I haven't answered your calls. I've been kinda tied up in here." I said in the lightest of all voices.

"Where's the ATM card?" My mom asked me.

"I'm with it." I quickly answered

"Why don't you get it for me, as I'll be needing it soon." My dad said.

I fidgeted with my hands, it was already sweaty due to how nervous I was.
" But Dad, you won't be using it till tomorrow. I'll get it for you before then, please. I have things that I need to finish." I tried to sound convincing.

"I hope you haven't lost it?" My mom cut in and I felt my heart jump.

"No, mom. How could you even say that?" I asked her.

"Anyways, I don't want to forget it while leaving for work tomorrow, so I'll need you to bring it to me tonight." My dad who has always been a saving grace for me said and with that, they left the room.

Once they were out of the room, I hurried out of the house to the nearby store, where I had gone to purchase some items with the card.

"Excuse me ma. I'm so sorry that I'm bugging you but did you perhaps see any ATM card lying carelessly around here?" I asked her and hoped she'd give a befitting response.

"You took it with you when you left the store. Are you sure it didn't fall off when you were going home?" She said.

"I've checked the route I took but I couldn't find it. However, I'm convinced that I took it home with me." I responded.

"If that's the case, you must have misplaced it then." She said again.

"I've searched all over the house for it. I'm so dead if I don't find it."
I said so close to tears.

"Maybe you dropped it with your left hand." She suddenly said after a few seconds of utter silence and I raised my eyes to meet hers.

"What has that got to do with anything?" I asked in annoyance. It felt like she was making a joke out of the whole situation.

"Well, when you keep things with the left hand, they go missing for some time till they finally consider your predicament. Then, they'll crawl out of their hiding place." She explained and I got confused.

"When they consider me? How?" I was very much confused by her explanation.

"It's been said that the things you keep with the left hand feel they are irrelevant to you, so they go missing and when you're truly in need of them and you must've gone through a hard time trying to find them, they'll come out." She explained further and for some weird reasons, I laughed out loud.
I went back home after saying my thanks. It was clear to me that she wasn't of any help to me. Once I was inside my room, I lay down on the bed and silently prayed that the cards come out because I wouldn't even be able to stand my parents if it was really missing.

I dipped my hands into my pocket and I felt something hard. I pulled it out and right there in my front, was the ATM card that I've been searching for.
It was surprisingly in my left trouser pocket. The store owner's voice rang in my head and I stared at the card in shock and disbelief. I immediately ran down to my dad so I could return the card before it disappeared again.

"Dad, could I ask you a question?" I asked my dad and he nodded me a response.

"It could be kinda silly though." I warned and he motioned for me to go ahead with the question.

"If a person drops an item with the left hand, will it really go missing?" I asked him.

"Well, if you carelessly drop it with the left hand, it could go missing." He said to me.

"Is that truly real or its just some kind of superstitious belief that people have?" I asked him again.

"It could be a superstition but it's been happening. Or do you perhaps think the universe would be playing tricks on us?" He asked me and I couldn't answer.

"Was that the reason you couldn't bring the card sooner?" He asked again and I nodded slowly. "Well, you're lucky to have found it. Some of these misplaced items take hours or even months before they finally come out." He said and I turned away and went back to my room.


'Could the universe really be magical or was I just careless and probably suffered some loss of memory?'

These thoughts filled my head as I fell into the hands of the night, still relieved that I found the ATM card.

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