Theinkwell fiction challenge | The warning from beyond


Image by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay

The warning from beyond

The gloom makes him perceive an amorphous reflection in the mirror, a tingling goes suddenly through his back, from the base of his head to his feet, he tries to turn to see his wife, but it is impossible for him, he is completely paralyzed, to the extreme he can't move his little finger.

The reflection slowly acquires the shape of a person's shadow, terror gains ground by seizing it, it wants to scream, but it cannot. She hears three chimes ringing from the wall clock located in the hallway, with the last one, the shadow disappears from the mirror, however, the feeling of tightness in her chest still makes it difficult for her to breathe.

A serious murmur made him look fearfully at the ceiling, he hopes to see nothing, but there he is again, almost a span from him, an intense cold pierces the thick blanket, he wants to uselessly close his eyes, he felt his eyelids extremely heavy, immovable he wondered, are they open or closed?

An idea of ​​dreaming came to him, so, nothing could happen to him, but his heart was beating like a wild horse running in the meadow, thinking of ​​dreaming slowly appeased him. He took a deep breath filling himself with courage and mentally asked: Are you in my dreams? He waited a few moments that seemed eternal, he got no answer, something calmer asked him again: Why don't you answer?

The shadow, approach, emitted faint and intelligible words:

"Wake up, wake up, it's getting late!"

"What do you say? So if I'm asleep!"

"I know you see me even if you don't recognize me." Listen again to the low tone coming from the shadow.

He tries unsuccessfully to answer her, his lips are sealed and he feels dryness in his nose and throat, a bitter taste in his entire mouth, he thinks about how crazy and distressing his dream is, he screams at her again.

"Enough, you're right. I have to wake up as soon as possible."

"You don't have much time to get out of the city, we are already here to finish the task." It was the last thing he heard before the strong jolt that made him shudder.

"Wake up wake up!" His wife screams at him full of hysteria.

"Calm down my love, I just had a bad nightmare." He manages to answer by coming out of the lethargy that had him immobile

"Were you able to see it before waking up and opening your eyes?"

"What should I see?" He responded by inertia knowing in advance the answer.

"A ghost that was on top of you!"

"Did you see and hear it too?"

"Yes, I do but he didn't say anything, just floated near you!"

Again, a great jolt shook them, through the windows they saw the sky light up as the foundation cracked under their feet.

The end.


An original drabbler by @janaveda

Thanks for reading me. I hope this micro-fiction is to your liking. I would very much like to read your comments in this regard to enrich myself with your criticism.


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