The ink well fiction prompt #76 Ella's Tears.

Tears rolled down Ella's eyes, she couldn't believe she did what she did.

Ella has gone through a lot as regards her achievement at the present.

Hey, you can not be in this house and run up and down calling yourself an athlete.

This is complete bull shit. Her father said at the top of his voice, looking straight into her eyes I can not struggle to pay your fees just for you to wake up one faithful morning to tell me you want to be an athlete. Her eyes couldn't hold back as the water rolled down her eyes. One could see the pain behind these tears.

Ella has never been this troubled before in her life. But then she still has to move on.

Ella had no option but to go with the choice of her Dad. But then secretly she always goes to practice without the concept of anyone, not even her mum who happened to even support her in her choice of carrier.

She has secretly engaged in small competitions without the knowledge of her parents and on several occasions, she has emerged as a winner in those competitions. Ella has worked side by side trying as much as possible to make both her parents and herself happy.

It got to a level when Ella was chosen to represent her state in a competition. She thought of how best to go about it. How do I tell my Dad?

Mum will not have any issues with me doing this but Dad is a big obstacle in my way.

It is a federal competition that all states will be coming with their representatives.

Ella at one point Ella was lucky because her state was chosen as the host 9f this competition. That alone got her excited because she knew she could just do it without anyone knowing. It's Saturday stuff and she always goes for a weekend lesson so she can use that opportunity to attend and represent her state in the competition but then a form is given for parent's approval this also is not a problem as mummy can handle it.

Finally, Ella made it to the competition with the partial approval of her mum as she knows what the father will do when he discovers such action.

But then she has to do what she has to do to make sure her daughter is happy.

Ella left on that fateful day with her kits, in her bag, off to the state stadium where the competition was held. Her mum needed to be in the stadium to support her daughter but at the same time, she had to be with the dad at home so he didn't suspect anything.

Ella took part in the competition and she wasn't lucky enough as she came second in the competition. She was happy as it will have to end there. She was not willing to go to the International level.

Since one person will represent the nation and that person must be the winner of the competition.

Ella got home to meet her Dad waiting for her as he couldn't believe his daughter's name flying on every TV station in the state. Seeing his face tells her she is already in a mess as her mother couldn't calm the situation.

Ella's father was furious and at that point, he was keen on his words.

Ella, if you can't respect my decision as your father then I see no reason being your father, since you want it to be like this so shall it be from today henceforth I cease to be your father, you can go on with your choice and know it that all that is concerned with you is off my shoulders.

Ella could not believe her ears as tears rolled down her eyes, her mum stood speechless there was no amount of pleading that will bring her father's words.

She blamed herself for everything. I didn't go to represent the nation and now my family is on the line. What have I done to myself She said to herself as she cried uncontrollably.

Ella's mother ran to Ella in her room. Hey, I just got a call from the federation. You are representing the nation in the international competition. As the winner was disqualified because of a false age she presented to the international body. This is the right time to make your father know you are good at what you do.

Ella rejected the offer as she doesn't want to make her father angrier than he is already.

No, my daughter, the deeds have been done, you know your dad too well. He doesn't go back to his words so just make a wise choice and follow your heart and do what will make you happy.

Let's make things right with you and your father can come in later. The nation is looking up to you. Ella heard her mother's word and took it up to the competition.

The day finally came when she left the house even with the disapproval of her dad she still had to answer the call of the nation.

Ella's dad could not believe his eyes and ears when he watched a TV channel and his daughter was crying even when she emerged as the winner of the competition. Some say it was a tear of joy but deep inside she knew her family was at stake so the tears she shed were a tear of sorrow. With a heavy heart, she received the gold medal.

When asked the reason behind her smile she said her dad is not happy and she wonders if he will take her back as his child, that word struck her dad's heart as he watched his daughter on a live TV program.

He called the mum immediately who was with Ella at that point and on national TV he apologized to his daughter.

Please come back home. I will be happy to receive you as my daughter and from now henceforth you can continue with that which pleases your heart.

I am happy with you.

And I love you



That was Ella's dad on the phone; her tears that were of sorrow immediately turned into that of joy.

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