He who wears the shoe knows where it pinches

He didn't know anything about babies except that they annoyed the hell out of him, and now that he had two on his hands, he thought he was going to lose his mind.
They lay apart from each other now, chests heaving softly and mouths slightly ajar, releasing purring noises as they took in and released air. He rose and ticked Day 2 on his calendar, running his eyes in horror through the remaining 28 numbers he was yet to tick.

Arthur only knew how to put numbers together. He could sit at his desk in the office for hours making sure the credit and debit sides were balanced accurately, but mixing formulas and changing diapers? They were certainly not chores he could get on his A-game with.

He wished he hadn't said those words to Bailey that night, but what did he know about the lives of women?

"Let me have dinner, please" he remembered loosening the tight knot at his neck while Bailey shuffled from foot to foot. He knew her, when it took her some time to respond to a command it meant there was something wrong. "What is it?"

She picked her nails like she did when she was nervous and dipped her head so her eyes would not meet his.

"I thought you were getting dinner" Her voice was barely audible now.

"You thought?...."

"I sent you a message. I've not had time to get to the mall, I've been really busy with the house"

He rose then, dumping the offensive tie on the dining table and walking over to the living room. He wiped the glass table that sat prettily in the middle of the room then wiped his index finger and thumb together.

"I see, you've really been busy"

"Arthur..." he had raised his hand then to stop her, then stormed into their bedroom and stormed out some minutes later to go over to Tracie's where food was sold almost round the clock.

The next morning when he woke up, Bailey was not in bed and neither were the kids, and it was just 6 am. Since he knew how troublesome they were, he knew that there was a possibility that she was giving them a bottle so he snuggled in till past 7.

Normally, she got up at 6:30 and woke him up to prepare for work while she made breakfast but the house was still very quiet, as if no one was in it.

He had hurriedly taken a shower and rushed over to work on an empty stomach. By the time he got back from work that evening, his wife was still not back and neither were his kids anywhere within sight.

She returned home at some minutes past 7 pm when he was gulping down a bottle of wine and for the first time since he married her, she was in a knee-length gown and stiletto heels.

She sashayed past him and handed an envelope over to him then began to take her shoes off.

"What's this?"

"My employment letter. I'm going to Paris in two days"

His wife had always wanted to be an air hostess and had warned against it because that would make them both unavailable for his kids. He had to be the one to provide for their food, clothing, shelter, and whatever extra needs they had while she had to be the one to keep the house tidy and the children in place, he told her even before they got married. So what was this talk about in Paris?

"I cannot continue staying at home doing nothing when I have so much to do with my life. I was a career woman before you met me, I agreed to ditch my career for you and what do you do? Constantly remind me that I do nothing"

"And that's why you had to take this decision behind me?"

Her brown eyes were flashing dangerously now, he knew Bailey, she barely spoke back except when she was genuinely furious.

"Yes, my dear husband. I've enrolled the kids in daycare but you have to take care of them during the weekends. That shouldn't be a problem since you're always at home on Fridays. I'm also going to work and make some money while you take care of the kids and do some chores".

She wasn't joking, she left 3 days ago.

Now that the show was on the other foot, Arthur wished more than anything that he could turn back the hands of time. She was going to be gone for 30 days and he couldn't imagine having to clean the tables, do the dishes, head to the mall, feed the kids and keep them company, and every other chore she used to handle.

The night before, he had pizza for dinner and he wasn't sure what he was going to have for breakfast. There were potatoes but he didn't know what to do with them. YouTube wasn't even helping because even with the videos, he had already ditched enough potatoes into the trash can.

It was going to be 7 am soon and since the twins had developed a strict habit of waking up every day at exactly 7 am, he knew he had to stand up and go about his usual duties or else he would not get any other thing done till they retired for the night.

He didn't know how to plead with Bailey but if he ever got a chance, he would do anything to make her know that he understood and respected what it was like for the shoe to be on the other foot.

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