The great flight

The great flight

Neki heard loud knocking on the door, along with the howling of the wind, as if a specter or demon was on the outside.

His skin crawled with fear as he gathered his courage to move toward the door. The door shook with increasing intensity as he drew nearer.

"Who's out there?" he asked without receiving an answer.

He took the knob carefully and turned it slowly. As soon as the pistil released its socket. The wind came in with force, throwing it against the wall.

To his surprise, it was a tornado the size of a skyscraper that, like a lottery, spun around randomly devouring entire houses.

He prayed that the strong tornado would not take him away. It destroyed the house across the street and then the one next door. The sky was bursting with lightning and the wind was a shredding machine.

He heard a loud sound and the roof came off. As if the tornado had caught him, he flew out of the house, being thrown into the air. The wind buzzed in his ears, and his body swerved everywhere.

In the air, he searched for something to hold on to, something to cling to. Until he hit a huge wall and lost consciousness.

He woke up surrounded by many deteriorated walls. They looked like the ruins of a castle forgotten in time. He didn't know where it was, he had never seen it before.

He observed some rails laid in the direction of a dark tunnel. He detailed the ruins, and it looked like an old train station or the remains of a destroyed one.

The whistle of the train could be heard in the distance, Neki could not believe his eyes, for the state the station was in, the place was still running.

The wheels screeched as they braked on the rails. Steam from the locomotive covered the air, like a dense fog, that gradually faded into the air, until a locomotive made of dead bones and rotting flesh could be seen.

Embedded in the middle of the torso of the door of one of the wagons, an undead addressed him "Either you come in or you stay", the door opened, releasing a blast of nauseating smell.

Immense terror gripped Neki, yet he still asked in a trembling voice, "Where is the train going?"

The undead, showing his one eye hanging out of the socket, turned to look at him. He smiled, revealing his three remaining teeth. "Welcome to the world of the dead."

"The world of the dead?" wondered Neki.

"If you're here, it's because you're dead."

He lowered his face, and his hands became shaky. "It's not fair," she said, "I shouldn't die, I don't smoke, I don't drink liquor, I take care of myself, why did I die, why did that tornado come into my house?"

The undead reacted, "Hey," he said, "You weren't a bad person in life, it's true. You don't deserve to leave yet." The train emitted an eerie sound, like the howling of a pack of wolves, or the wailing of many people crying.

Pulling out a steel bar with the only hand he had in sight, he pounded on the walls and ceiling of the wagon. "Shut up, shut up!" he exclaimed. "Can't you see I'm talking!

"Friend, let's make a deal, if you help me repair this wagon I will return you alive to your world"
Neki replied fearfully, "I just want to go home."

"Then come up and help me" replied the dead man.

He put his feet on a step which, when he stepped on it, opened and dropped a dripping liquid. His hands on the railing became heavy, inside the wagon, he asked the undead man. "What am I going to do?"

Suddenly, hands came out of the walls and ceiling. Neki panicked and jumped towards the window, managing to pull half a body out. He pulled and pulled, but the hands were too strong. They grabbed him by the legs and dragged him back to the wagon, making him part of the structure.

As the train started its engines on its way to eternity, the wagoner let out a laugh "Have you ever met a dead man returning from the afterlife?" he asked "This train is made of fools who don't accept their fate.

He felt his body digest, his legs were gone and part of his spleen. He no longer had limbs to fight with, and the hands that held him relaxed to rest.

With his wounded head to one side, surrendered to the train, he caught a glimpse of the metal bar the undead had used. He grabbed it with his one remaining arm and threw it at the undead, hitting him squarely in his one remaining eye.

The wagon shook from side to side, and Neki's body was completely restored. He jumped out of the train and fled down that tunnel, running towards the exit, running towards the light, which grew bigger, and bigger, until he opened his eyes in a hospital.

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