Wish Granted / The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #118


Lying on the floor, Eilen was, as always, reading books about the Gods of Olympus. She was passionate about this subject, when she read, she disconnected from reality and immersed herself in the stories as one of the main characters... She wished to have the beauty of Aphrodite, the wisdom of Athena and to be as powerful as Zeus. A "Knock, knock" at the door brought her back to her senses.

—Eilen, dinner is ready,— said her mother.

—In a moment, I'll be downstairs,— she replied, reluctantly.

She got up, went to the hairdresser, fixed her curly hair with a smile, turned to one side and said: "Pipita: I am beautiful like Aphrodite, aren't I? -She was talking to her cat, who was resting on the combine bench.

The girl went down to the dining room, sat down, she and her mother ate, she was an only child, they lived alone in a modest house, but very nice; After dinner, Eilen picked up the dishes and washed them, while her mother prepared hot chocolate, they sat in the corridor of the house, to drink it and to chat for a while.

—It's going to rain! —said Eilen.

—It looks like it,— her mother replied, looking up at the sky.

Black clouds and lightning, adorned the sky, evidently the rain was about to fall, so it was, a few minutes later, a downpour began to fall, the women quickly entered the house, the electricity failed, leaving it dark, they lit some candles, Eilen's mother went to get more chocolate, they sat in the living room and stayed there for a while.
— Do you want to sleep with me? —asked Eilen's mother.

—Don't worry— said Eilen.

It was still raining, thunder could be heard and through the windows they could see lightning illuminating the sky, each one took a candle, said goodbye and went back to their room.

Eilen blew out the candle and went to bed, she tossed and turned for a while until she fell asleep; a few minutes later, the sound of thunder made her jump out of bed, followed by lightning in the courtyard, radiating a white light that illuminated her room, she covered herself with the sheet up to her head and lay there quietly, "my mother will come for me soon," she thought!

A while passed and her mother didn't come, Eilen felt the sensation that someone was watching her, she trembled with fear, she didn't dare to get out of the sheets, then pepita got on the bed, -ah! it was you-, she told the cat and remained calm.

But then she felt as if stealthy footsteps were running through the room, "It's my imagination", she said to herself, those footsteps could be heard closer, she took courage and decided to see what was going on, she uncovered her head a little and could see a shadow, walking from one side to the other.

When Eilen was about to scream, a dwarf with big ears and a pointed nose, wearing a green hat, jumped up and fell on her bed, pepita jumped to grab him, but he pulled out a wand and threw a lightning bolt, which left the cat paralyzed in the air; Eilen was really impressed, she tried to get pepita down, but her efforts were useless.

—Only I can bring her down,— said the dwarf.

— Who are you and what are you doing here?—Eilen asked.

—I am laxo, from the planet nebula, our ship was hit by lightning and fell to the ground, maneuvering we managed to land here, but my King is badly injured, the ship suffered some damage, our transmitter was damaged and we can't communicate with the Mother ship, so they can come to rescue us, I need your help.

Eilen could not believe this story, so she went down with laxity to the garden, there really was a small spaceship in her yard, the dwarf touched a red button and the doors opened, there was a badly wounded little man and another one who accompanied him.

—This is King Balto—, he said laxo.

— Hello, I am Eilen, how can I help you,— said the girl.

—The first thing is that you help us to cure our King, then it would be to see if you can help us to communicate with the mother ship—,answered laxo.

Eilen went to the house, she looked for the first aid case and 2 flashlights, while she was healing the King's wounds, the dwarves realized that the transmitter had some damaged buttons, the girl looked for some buttons and some glue, they managed to replace each broken button and they could communicate with the mother ship.

—Before you go, don't forget to defrost my cat, —said Eilen.

Laxo took his wand and from below, said a few words, and in a few minutes, Pepita was there with them.

It wasn't long before a silver light from the sky parked next to them.

—They have already come for us,— said laxo, —in gratitude for your help, we will grant you a wish—.
— What I want,— asked Eilen.
—Yes, what is your wish? — laxo asked.
—I wish to meet Aphrodite.—

Laxo took his wand, and said: —Wish granted—.

A light enveloped the girl, she took her cat and the two were attracted by a force that took them beyond the clouds and the sky, they arrived to a floating island, covered with clouds and snow, with great mansions of Crystal, winged horses and many butterflies; Eilen turned to one side and there was Zeus, the most powerful of the Gods, she was accompanied by Aphrodite and she was really beautiful.

Her wish had been fulfilled. At that moment, Eilen felt something hard in her pocket, it was a control that had only one button and a note that said, "When you want to come back, press it".

This is my Participation in The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #118 , I hope you like my publication.

The image used were made in Canva

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


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