Why would you sell me a dog?

In the heart of a quaint town nestled between rolling hills, there lived a charismatic storyteller named Ojadike. He was known far and wide for his ability to spin tales that captivated the imagination of everyone who listened. His stories were like colorful threads weaving through the fabric of the community, creating a tapestry of wonder and excitement.


One day, a curious young man named Omenuko approached Ojadike with a glint in his eye. Omenuko had heard of the storyteller's legendary tales and was eager to experience the magic for himself.

"Ojadike," Omenuko exclaimed, "spin me a tale that will transport me to realms unknown. I want to be enchanted by your words."

Ojadike, with a sly smile, nodded in agreement. He began weaving a story about a mystical creature called the Celestial Hound. According to Ojadike, the Celestial Hound was a rare and magical companion that could grant its owner three wishes. The only catch was that the creature could only be seen by those with a pure heart.

As Ojadike continued his narrative, Omenuko became increasingly fascinated. He hung onto every word, envisioning the fantastical world that the storyteller described. The idea of having a Celestial Hound as a companion filled Omenuko's heart with excitement.


Intrigued and eager to make this magical creature his own, Omenuko asked Ojadike "how do I acquire a Celestial Hound?"

Without missing a beat, Ojadike revealed "I have a special potion that could reveal the hidden creature to those who drank it, but it will cost you a fortune".

Excitement bubbling within him, Omenuko eagerly purchased the potion from Ojadike without minding any amount or even Making any attempt for a bargain. The storyteller assured him that once the elixir was consumed, the Celestial Hound would appear and grant him three wishes. Omenuko couldn't believe his luck.


As night fell, Omenuko ventured to a secluded spot with the potion in hand. He drank it with anticipation, waiting for the Celestial Hound to materialize before him. However, as minutes turned into hours, and the moon hung high in the sky, there was no sign of the magical creature.

Frustrated and feeling betrayed, Omenuko sought out Ojadike the next day. He confronted the storyteller, demanding an explanation for the failed enchantment.

Ojadike, unfazed, simply replied, "Sometimes, my friend, the magic lies not in the potion but in the story itself. The Celestial Hound was never meant to be real. It was a tale woven to captivate your imagination."


Omenuko, crestfallen and disappointed, felt the weight of Ojadike's words sinking in. The storyteller had sold him a dog – a lie that left him disillusioned and yearning for a reality that could never be. Why would you sell me a dog? He soliloquies

As the townsfolk learned of Omenuko's plight, Ojadike's reputation began to tarnish. The once-beloved storyteller was now viewed with skepticism and mistrust. The dictum "don't sell me a dog" echoed through the town, a reminder that enchanting tales should be enjoyed for what they are – stories that spark the imagination, not deceptive promises of magical creatures.

In the end, Omenuko learned a valuable lesson about the power of words and the importance of discerning truth from fiction. And as for Ojadike, he continued to weave his tales, but the shadows of deceit lingered over his once-glowing reputation, serving as a cautionary tale for those who sought magic in the art of storytelling.

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