The magic bird.

At the center of upper-Iweka marketplace Anambra State in Nigeria where the true nature of African fabrics were sold, always displayed with a glittering view of sunlight while the aroma of spices lingered in the air, there lived a young market man, Emeka.

Emeka was known far and wide for his shrewdness and wit because he embodied the quality of showing good powers of judgment and the capacity for inventive thought and quick understanding, one can describe Emeka as an embodiment of keen intelligence. He could haggle with the best of things, he has a keen eye for spotting a good deal as well. But Emeka's greatest skill lay in his ability to see through lies and deception.


One hot afternoon, as the market bustled with activity, a stranger arrived in town. He was a smooth-talking merchant named Oluwafemi, who carried with him a big nest of exotic birds. Oluwafemi's birds were said to possess magical powers, capable of bringing good fortune and prosperity to those who owned them. As soon as Oluwafemi set up his stall, a crowd quickly gathered, eager to see the wonders he had to offer. Oluwafemi is a traditionalist, how he talks, his attire, how he carries himself and as a matter of fact, the kind of foods he prefers to eat right in the market. Oluwafemi doesn't joke with kolanut, exactly why his teeth have turned brown.

Emeka is a skeptist. He has always been a curious and cautious person. He approached Oluwafemi's stall with a skeptical view, quietly and patiently watched as Oluwafemi regaled the crowd with tales of the birds' mystical abilities, spitting each point to appear more fantastical than the last one. That is a traditional literalism at its peak, that is, basically using the traditional myth that the people have subconscious connections through sociological order, to get the wrapped and undivided attention from the people. Regardless of how magnetically magnificent as Oluwafemi sounded,Emeka remained unconvinced. He had heard enough tall tales in his time to know when someone was trying to sell him a dog.


Determined to unravel the truth about Oluwafemi tales, Emeka drew closer to the stall and engaged Oluwafemi in conversation. He asked pointed questions about the birds and their supposed powers, testing Oluwafemi's knowledge and honesty. But no matter how hard he tried, Oluwafemi's answers seemed evasive and insincere. Emeka struck him with a particular question that he couldn't respond right again

"Femi, which process were these birds hatched? Through divine intervention or by a fellow mortal bird?" Emeka thundered.

"The hatching process does not matter provided the potency of the birds have been proven to be real" Oluwafemi replied gnashing his teeth, perhaps not to the notice of the crowd but Emeka observed that rightly.

Traditionally, gnashing your teeth when being spoken to or when speaking signifies a tale of deception in the society where Emeka came from. That geared Emeka towards affirming his suspicion that Oluwafemi is only here to sell a dog to the general public. Emeka decided to put Oluwafemi's claims to the test.

"Femi, I will buy one of your birds but only on one condition" He offered with a sly smile.

"And what will that condition be?" Femi replied with the mannerism of a boastful confidence.

"That you will demonstrate the magical abilities of this bird right here for all to see" Emeke said reluctantly with another beautiful but shady smile.


Oluwafemi was very confident in his ability to deceive. He had studied the craft so well and had used this time without number for the past years in various markets, therefore putting him to a physical test didn't freak him out a second ; rather it raised an eagerness, so eager that he accepted the challenge without thinking twice.

Oluwafemi took a bird from his nest and placed it down, whispered a few words and waved his hands in the air, claiming to invoke the creature's power. But to Emeka's keen eyes, it was clear that nothing had changed. The bird remained just a bird, with no hint of magic or mysticism. The birth was supposed to breathe fire, and the fire would serve as a confirmation that anything the birth is told to do, it will do it.

With a knowing smirk, Emeka shook his head and spoke the words that captured the very moment of that act.

"Don't sell me a dog, Femi!." Emeka voiced

The crowd murmured in agreement with Emeka. At this moment, it was crystal clear but a late realization from the crowd as they realized that they had been brainwashed by the smooth-talking merchant.

Oluwafemi was angered by Emeka's skepticism, which made him lash out, accusing him of being jealous and petty. But Emeka remained unfazed. He knew the value of truth and integrity, and he would not be swayed by empty promises and deceitful tactics.


Oluwafemi knew quite well that his market at upper-Iweka marketplace was already dead at that Instant. He has never been a marketer to leave the market early in his life but today he packed up his stall immediately after that incident and prepared to leave not just the market but the town as a whole since his reputation has been dented. It has been said in the traditional African proverb that 'he who can't keep his reputation has absolutely nothing to do in the market place' and here oluwafemi is already feeling defeated and humiliated.

On the other hand, Emeka's reputation as a wise and discerning trader only grew stronger. He was admired and respected by all who knew him and even people who didn't so much so that it brought lots of customers to him. And in extreme cases, people come to the market and come to Emeka to ask for the best places where they can buy things at sincere prices. Emeka served as a navigator to lot's of people in the market from that day henceforth.

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