The Best Recruit

Frank was glad to be sitting among fellow new recruits of the National Fire Service(NFS). The new recruits were twenty seven in number and were having light snacks after the orientation.

The process leading to his recruitment was not smooth because during the interview, he took time to answer some questions and the director kept screaming "fire service is an emergency,stop wasting time". The director seemed displeased with him throughout the interview.

The orientation was great except for when the director spoke, mostly because Frank already didn't like him. He hoped to be able to overcome the dislike inorder to thrive.

The director and other top members of staff had used the past three hours to educate them on the basics of firefighting and rules of the organisation. According to the director, the new recruits will undergo one month of intensive training in emergency management and first aid to equip them with the necessary skills before being fully integrated into the team.

"Any questions?" asked the director at the end of the orientation.

Frank wanted to start on a good note and to show enthusiasm to the director so he decided to ask "Sir, would it be possible for us to get a guide or course content for the training so that we can prepare ahead of the trainings daily"

The disgust on the face of the director was glaring and Frank immediately knew he should not have asked. "Fire service is an emergency, you don't plan the emergency you would be having. Your trainings would come that way." The director said looking intently at Frank. "Before we close, does any of you have a question? I mean sensible questions o" the director added.

No hands were raised and with that the director brought the orientation to an end.

Frank felt really bad, he kept wondering if he offended the director sometime in the past which he was not aware. He made up his mind to take the training seriously and put in his best.

Each day of the training was handled by a senior member of staff and at the end of the day, the recruits were scored based on their performance and by the fifth day,Frank was positioned in third place. He was hoping to improve and clinch the coveted title of "best recruit"

Frank was having a great time until the third day which was handled by the director.
"Today is not a regular day, this training will be to test and improve your emergency response, reflexes,team work, complex problem solving and first aid administration"
"You will be grouped into groups of three people each, you will face the tasks as a group and perform the last one individually. Remember, it is an Emergency training, don't waste time, make sure to finish and don't listen to anyone"

The director moved about observing how the various groups handled the tasks, he was ticking and scoring them in a book he was holding but not communicating with any of them. Frank's group finished first and began the next task which was meant to be handled individually.

While Frank was solving his puzzle, he realised that he was ahead of everyone and just as he was about to finish, the director came to him "this is a disaster, it seems your focus is on finishing fast and not getting the tasks correctly, I am disappointed. How did you even get to the top 3?"

Frank was confused, he took a glance at what others were doing and they seemed to be doing exactly same thing he was doing. He decided to change his method but the end product was obviously wrong. Just then one of the recruits finished and submitted, the director commended him and Frank observed that the end product was the same thing as his initial one rejected by the director.

Frank decided to redo the puzzle but before he could finish the director signalled the end.

Frank was the only recruit who did not finish the puzzle and his position dropped significantly to 25th.

"Why did you tell me that I was wrong but you accepted the exact same thing from others" Frank requested from the director. "It's because of your distraction that I did not finish the task which I was headed to finish first"

"Before you started, one of the instructions was "don't listen to anyone" why did you listen to me and get distracted? It's all part of the training, you should not get distracted when handling an emergency" the director replied.

Frank was dumbfounded, he felt very sad and weak. Tears were flowing down his cheeks as he was going back to his room. He was then intercepted by the Training coordinator, a relatively quiet woman who rarely spoke. She only spoke when it was time to announce the points amassed by the recruits at the end of each day.

"Don't worry about the director" she said
"It's all part of the training. I know you feel pained because of what happened and I have observed how hard you are working to win the best recruit award but nevermind, it's not a big deal. Our job is to save lives and property and among everyone here, I see you as the most prepared for this, regardless of what the results of today say" there was something soothing about the way she spoke that calmed Frank instantly.

"You can still win the award though, it's a 1 month program and it's just the 5th day" she said.

"Thanks so much ma, I appreciate" he finally found his voice. "I will continue to do my best"

"Good! That's more like it" she said "Now, chin up and work hard, I am rooting for you".

That was just the encouragement Frank needed and by the next day, he was not feeling sad anymore. He was now prepared to ace the remaining tasks and come out on top.

At the end of the day, Frank was on top for the day but his overall position only rose by one and he was placed at number 24.

Frank was now more determined than ever and it showed in the manner he approached all the tasks, he kept topping the chart daily but his overall position kept climbing like a snail and by the last day he was number 2 on the list.

Frank decided to meet the Training coordinator to know why despite all his efforts, he could not completely overturn his misfortune.

"The training anchored by the director contributes 40% to the overall score and hence a huge determinant" she explained "but remember our discussion. Regardless of the outcome of the results, you are most equipped and will definitely become a great firefighter, perhaps the greatest firefighter".

Frank really wanted to be the best recruit but since it was not forthcoming, he took solace in her words.


When it was time to give out the awards, the director announced "based on the overall points system, we have a recruit who amassed the highest number of points but we also have another recruit taking first position on twenty five different days. This cannot go unrewarded"
The crowd began to applaud, they all knew the story of Frank and wished he got some recognition for his efforts.

"Before calling on the best recruit, I call on Frank to receive this award of excellence in recognition of his Resilience and Determination. He showed great strength of character and body, we are all proud of you, Frank".

The applause was deafening and Frank felt rewarded at last, his efforts were not in vain. He also felt satisfied with the directors comment, he never expected the director to say something good about him.

At the end of the event he went up to the training coordinator, "I am proud of you" she said, speaking up first.
"All thanks to you ma, I couldn't have done it without you".


This is also my entry for the #mayinleo prompt day 4.
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