Once a victim; still the victim.

Rick didn't believe his 4 years relationship crashed just like that. He left the room after his girlfriend broke the news of being pregnant to another guy who was also a student in the same school.

"I am sorry Rick, it wasn't intentional. You are the best person I have known in the world, and I regret betraying your trust". These were her last words to him and they kept ringing in Rick's head as he staggered in the middle of the road.


The vehicle's horns weren't enough to call him back to life and many thought he was drunk. Rick walked slowly on the motorway and was beginning to cause traffic on the road.

He was eventually pushed out of the road by an angry driver and he spent the rest of his day by the roadside.

Rick was later helped by his coursemate and no one knew his whereabouts the next morning. He packed his clothes and left the hostel before the other students woke up.

It was the end of his education as he couldn't think of staying on campus with his ex-girlfriend and the guy who impregnated her.

Going home wasn't an option for Rick, he didn't have a reason to abandon his education. He chose to start life afresh in another state and even after months, Rick couldn't put the memories behind him.

He worked in a factory for over two years and eventually made up his mind to return to school. Rick was gradually letting go of his grudge against his ex-girlfriend and he regrets quitting school back then.

In the process of avoiding his parent, he lost his dad but he wasn't aware. No one could reach him and getting to know made him scared to visit the family again.

Rick continued to live where he was and also enrolled in the University to further his education. He was intelligent and had girls flocking around him but he didn't believe in anything love. Rick pretended to be in love until he got what he wanted from the girls, he dump them immediately he satisfied his selfish desire.

Life went on like that for him as he worked and school at the same time. Rick went back home after graduation, it took time before he was forgiven and his mother's joy was boundless because her lost son returned home.

Rick soon left home again to work in one of the biggest IT firms in the state, the job was a dream come through for him.

Life in the city was awesome and Rick took advantage of more girls until he met Anita about three years later. She was a fresh graduate and somehow, he started developing feelings for her.

Rick refused to admit what he felt for Anita and he got into a relationship with her just to do the usual. Eight months went by in the relationship when Rick unintentionally introduced Anita to his family. Rick marked his mom's 70th birthday and invited his colleagues for the celebration, he jokingly introduced Anita as his girlfriend.

About 6 months later, Rick went on a course abroad. He was two weeks gone when Anita chatted him up about being pregnant.

He laughed about it and told her to get rid of it but Anita refused. She waited patiently for his arrival but Rick didn't go back on his words.

Anita was sad because she loved Rick wholeheartedly, and she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. She reached out to Rick's family and everyone persuaded him to give the young girl a chance.

He agreed just to please his mother and they had a small wedding for the sake of the pregnancy.

Rick didn't stop being who he was and Anita had to bear the things that were happening in the marriage. He wouldn't stop flirting and whenever Anita complained, he gets mad.

Anita wasn't ready to back out and would do everything possible just to maintain peace in the marriage. There are times when she impressed him and there are times when everything she was doing made no sense to him.

Years passed and Rick became more reckless. Anita was worried about their son so she took him to grandma's place, dealing with Rick alone seems better to her. He finally told her his story and she felt bad not just because he was hurt but because she hasn't enjoyed him as a husband because of what happened many years ago.

On a Friday night, Rick went out to the club as usual. It was routine for him, he has barely slept at home on a Friday in the last 6 months.

He was having fun when he saw Anita walking out of the bar with another guy. Rick didn't believe his eyes, he buried his head in his hand as he pondered on what to do. He finally picked up a bottle and went out but they were gone.

He was so angry and called his mom immediately that he doubts the paternity of his son. His mother was surprised and Rick refused to tell her what happened.

He challenged Anita when he got home the next day but she denied leaving the house.

"I knew you are all the same, I was stupid to have allowed my mother to get into my head for the wedding. The child is not mine, right?", Rick continued hurting Anita with words and in the end, he asked for a divorce.

Anita begged him and swore but everything fell on Rick's deaf ears. He began the divorce process and Anita couldn't endure his attitude anymore so settled for a divorce. She was sad because things turned out differently from what she wanted in the relationship.

Weeks passed and they agreed on taking DNA for their son. Anita was sad and left with her child before the results were out.

Every attempt to reach Anita failed and her action proved that she has been guilty all along. Rick wasn't bothered and he continued his life until he fell sick some months after.

He was diagnosed with a deadly infection that has made him unable to bear a child again even after he was treated. Rick was about to leave the hospital for his last checkup when his doctor gave him the abandoned DNA result.

Rick didn't check and he just dumped it somewhere. He was depressed with his condition and went out drinking as usual.

He was drinking when he saw Anita again entering with the same guy, he approached them immediately and started insulting her. Everyone in the bar paid attention to them and the lady denying to be Anita made things interesting.

Rick was kicked out of the bar and he waited for her outside the bar premises. He showed the guy that came with Anita pictures of their wedding and the lady still denied knowing Rick.

Things got confusing but Rick knew she was pretending. The lady and her boyfriend had a heated argument about the issue and she left in anger.

On getting home which was just a few blocks away from the bar, she told her mother what happened at the outing and her mom started crying.

The mother told her daughter to take her to Rick and they both left the house with the hope of finding him. Luckily for them, they met him still drinking in the garage.

The woman asked Rick for Anita's contact and he gave it after much persuasion. They couldn't reach Anita and the old woman burst into tears after trying severally.

"She is alive, God I am grateful", the old woman said as she was about to leave. Rick asked her what she meant by she is alive and she explained that, Anita was a twin.

"I was impregnated by an irresponsible man and coping with two kids was difficult for me so I had to let one go. I dropped her by the roadside for passersby to pick her up, it was a decision I regretted.

I remembered changing my mind but it was late because, by the time I got there, she was gone".

Rick didn't believe his ears, he rushed home that night to check the DNA result and he discovered he owned the child.

He couldn't help but cried, " I lost everything, I can not make babies and I don't know where my only child is".
No one knows Anita's whereabouts and even her parents wouldn't disclose her destination.

Somehow, Anita got the news about her mother and twin sister. She came to verify it was true and she was happy to meet them but she remained the daughter of those who raised her and never had anything to do with Rick.

He lived alone and was sad for the rest of his life.

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