Man of the Year.

"Thank you everyone, it's been a long journey here but..." Gideon muttered as he sleeptalked.

"Gideon, stand up now before I break your head," Mama Gideon screamed not minding it was midnight.

The noise wasn't enough to wake Gideon so she tapped him on the back severally until he woke up.

"Good morning mama," He greeted immediately he woke up.

"What's good about the morning? You have been talking and kicking me since you slept. You didn't allow me to sleep well," She replied.

"I didn't know I was talking, it was that same dream. They gave me an award and people were plenty there," Gideon replied and got out of bed.

"Joseph, continue dreaming but don't disturb me with those things you say while sleeping and where are you going?" She asked him.

"I thought it was morning already, I want to prepare for shop," he replied.

"I woke you up because you were talking while sleeping, you can sleep back but let's sleep in peace," Mama Gideon replied as she readjusted on the mat and went back to sleep.

Almost every night, Gideon dreamt about receiving an award but he was eleven and had never seen the four walls of a classroom before. Felicia, his mother got an unwanted pregnancy and had been responsible for Gideon since birth. Felicia was just a petty trader who sold fried potatoes at the T-junction and she wasn't making enough money to give Gideon a good life.

"Mama, you won't believe I had that dream again," Gideon said to his mother while they were going about their daily business a few weeks later.

"This dream of yours is becoming something else, you play too much and that's why you talk while sleeping," She replied.

"Good afternoon Mama Gideon, give me Five Hundred Naira potatoes and add meats," Wale interrupted their conversation.

"Okay, brother Wale" Mama Gideon replied. She was about to make the sales when she discovered that there was no paper in the drawer.

"Gideon there's no paper here anymore, where are those papers you drew on?" She asked.

"Mama, you can't use my drawing to sell potatoes. Let me quickly check if Aboki has papers," Gideon replied.

"Brother Wale, I will be back shortly," Gideon said to the customer before taking off.

Immediately he left, his mother went to check the drawings and took one of them to sell potatoes for her customer.

Wale had left before Gideon returned and he wondered where his mom got the paper from but he didn't ask.

Aside from football, drawing was one of the things Gideon could do with his eyes closed, he had lots of drawings and wouldn't know if just one went missing.

Wale arrived home with the potatoes and shared them with his friends who were brainstorming on what to draw for the coming art exhibition. He was an artist but the competition in the field wasn't helping matters for him.

They finished the potatoes and the drawing on the paper even though it was stained with oil caught Wale's attention.

"Guys! See this," Wale called his friend's attention to the drawing and they surrounded the table immediately.

"I overheard the Potato woman asking her son to bring one of his drawings, could it be that Gideon drew this?" Wale stuttered.

"Who is Gideon?" Wale's friends chroused.

"The potatoes seller son," He replied.
"That can't be possible," One of his friends replied.
"He is a kid, how can he draw something of this great quality?" Another friend asked.
"I don't have an answer to your questions guys until I talk to this boy," Wale replied.

A few days later, Wale went to the field where Gideon played football. He was surprised at how skilful the little boy was and wondered what else he was good at.

"You are very good, you played like Ronaldo," Wale teased Gideon after the match.

"Ronaldo is my idol," Gideon replied.
"Oh, I don't play football but I love him a lot and I have drawn him severally," Wale replied.

"You can draw too, I have plenty of footballer's drawings in Mama's shop," Gideon replied.

"This might be an opportunity to know if he truly drew them," Wale thought.

"Did you draw them?" He asked.
"Yes, I did. I can even draw you if you want," Gideon boasted.

"Anyway, I might be able to help you make money with your drawings," Wale said to Gideon and he was happy.

They chatted more and Gideon was happy to break the news to his mother immediately after he got to the shop.

"So, brother Wale said that he will help you to sell your drawings?" Mama Gideon asked to be sure of everything Gideon told her.

"Yes, mama. He will come to the shop tomorrow to see everything," he replied.

That night was very short for Gideon, he was eager to know what Wale would say about his drawings. At sunrise, he was up and prepared for the big day.

They arrived at the shop and Wale came as promised. He came with his friends and when they started checking Gideon's work, they were astonished.

"You did all these?" Wale asked still feeling excited.

"Yes, he drew everything in this shop," Mama Gideon answered sharply.

"That's great but you will need to draw new ones which I will sell to my clients," Wale told Gideon and left the place after they reached an agreement.

A few days later, Gideon went to Wale's place with his mother and did some drawing. He wasn't just good with drawing, Gideon was fast and creative.

Wales and his friend watched him draw and they didn't believe a boy of his age could do all of that. Gideon went there for almost two weeks drawing different stuff. They tipped him some money at the end of every day and promised to give him the money they made from the drawings as well.

Gideon was happy about the tip and his mother believed something huge was coming for them.

The art exhibition happened and Wale was able to sell six of Gideon's drawings for thousands of dollars but only gave them five percent of the money which was still very huge to Gideon and his mother. They appreciated the money and to crown it all, Wale promised to sponsor Gideon's education.

It was a big deal for Gideon and his mother couldn't thank Wale enough. He kept his promises and Gideon didn't stop drawing for him.

Life moved on well for everyone until Gideon entered a drawing competition at school and won the grand prize. His drawing went viral and different TV shows wanted to have him as a guest but Wale insisted that he mustn't go.

"Why did you join the drawing competition initially, Am I not doing enough for you this ingrate?" Wale screamed at Gideon in the presence of his mother who snapped back at him.

"You don't scream at my son, you are not his god and can't dictate his life," She replied aggressively.

"Oh! that's the case now," Wale replied and barged out of their apartment.

"When did you start drawing?" Tiwa, the show presenter asked Gideon when he eventually honoured their invitation.

"I started drawing when I was 7," he replied.
"How old are you now?" She asked.
"I am thirteen now," he replied.
"What do you do to all those drawings then?" Tiwa asked and Gideon narrated how he met Wale. He explained everything and their current relationship.

"Wow, so Mr Wale Orji has been taking your drawing for cash?" Tiwa asked and he replied, "Yes"

Unfortunately for Wale, a lot of people who bought his drawing discovered he wasn't the man he claimed to be.

Gideon stopped drawing for Wale and people bought directly from him now. He and his mother were shocked after they realised how much Wale had been making off them but they refused to press charges against him as advised by people.

Gideon progressed with his artwork and earned a scholarship to study abroad. Years passed and he became successful with his drawings. Due to his upbringing, Gideon made helping helpless kids get an education a priority.

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At the age of 35, he was presented the Man of the Year award at a prestigious event and immediately he was called to the stage, Gideon broke into tears.

"Thank you everyone, it's been a long journey here and I will dedicate this award to everyone who stood by me, most especially my mother..." Gideon said to the guest and raised the award above his head.

Mama Gideon who was dressed gorgeously burst into tears as well.

"Mama, everything that happened today felt like I have witnessed it a lot of times," Gideon said to his mom when he returned to sit beside her.

"Have you forgotten when you always sleeptalk as a kid," she replied and hugged him.

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