Faceless George.

"I remembered when we were still kids, this neighbourhood was really sweet. Everyone had good relationships with one another," George muttered while watching a football game in Elepe Estate.

"That's once upon a time, everything changed when this place became jampacked with those pot-belly men who call themselves billionaires," Eric replied and they went silent as their team almost conceded against Elepe Estate.

The match ended in a draw and George was happy because it was clear that the rich men just wanted to show off their stadium facility and nothing more, they wouldn't have opened the gate of the Estate for the non-resident on a normal day.

The neighbourhood used to be just Elepe before some wealthy men decided to reside there, they changed a lot of things and even set boundaries. They called their side Elepe Estate and cut out the old residents in the neighbourhood because they were peasants.

"Isn't that your crush?" Eric asked George as they stepped out of the Stadium.

"Who's that?" George replied and turned to see who Eric was speaking about.

"Oh! It's Elena," He giggled.

"Won't you say hi to her? You don't know when this opportunity will present itself again," Eric asked.

"That's true but her father might be here as well. Just like many parents in the estate, he doesn't want his daughter to mingle with the children of Main Elepe. Why did you think they built a school in the Estate and only allowed the Estate kids there?" George replied.

"Hmmm! That's true but if I were you, I would say hello. It's not a big deal,"

Eric encouraged George and he summoned the courage to approach her.

"Hello Elena," George greeted immediately after he got to her.

She paused and stared at him for a few seconds.

"Hi, you know my name but I am sorry I don't remember you," She replied.

"Oh yes, we have met once and it was short. I was the guy your dad chased while congratulating you for winning the dance competition at the stadium last year," George replied.

"You must be one of the Main Elepe boys, you should know my dad doesn't tolerate peasants and if he sees you now, you will regret you stopped," Elena replied.

"Peasants! We are humans too and you should respect that," George replied and walked away.

"I knew this was a bad idea," George said to Eric immediately after he got to him.

"She called me a peasant, isn't that rude? Bunch of spoilt rich kids," George muttered.

"I only thought it could be an opportunity for you to have a good conversation with her," Eric replied.

The two friends left the Estate and George couldn't get everything that happened out of his head. It ruined his mood whenever the conversation he had with her popped up in his head.

While heading out a few weeks later, George saw some men installing some Halloween decorations and a banner at the Estate gate.

"Oh! Halloween is in a few days," he muttered while reading the banner.

***"Halloween party in the Estate, why did they make a banner when it's strictly for only the Estate residents? These wealthy people and their intoxication," He smiled and left the gate.

Later in the day, he met with Eric and told him about the Elepe Estate Halloween party.

"We should attend or what do you think?" Eric asked.

"Didn't you hear me say the party is strictly for the Estate residents?" George replied.

***"I know someone who knows the Estate security and we could tip them. No one will recognize us since it's a night party and we will wear costumes," Eric replied.

"That would be a good idea if the person would help us," George replied.

Eric was able to get the gate pass and they got a Halloween costume that will keep them completely unrecognizable.


On the 31st of October, the two friends set out immediately after sunset and they successfully got into the Estate with the pass they had.

Finding the gathering wasn't an issue as many of the residents were going in and out of the direction. They finally got there and blended in with the residents.

While Eric was busy chasing the yummy meals going around, George kept scanning the area looking for Elena.

"You are not eating?"Eric asked.

"No! I want to see Elena first," George replied.

"Are you possessed? I thought you said she wasn't your crush anymore," Eric replied.

"Even if it's just this one time, I have something to say to her," George replied.

They were still arguing when a lady came to their seat and it turned out to be Elena. She had a simple Halloween costume and they recognized her immediately.

"Hi guys. I was just passing and your costume got my attention. I love it," She signalled to George.

"Yeah, it is a nice costume. Yours ain't bad either," George stuttered.

"Oh thanks. My name is Elena," she replied.

"I am Daniel and my friend here is Eric," George lied.

"You stay in the Estate?" She asked.

"No, I am just a guest here. My cousin invited me," George replied sharply.

They chatted for some time and even when Elena's father came around, he only greeted them and left.

"Too bad, I can't recognize you if we meet after the party," Elena said to George when she was about to leave the party.

"Would that be necessary, I will leave first thing tomorrow but we can exchange contacts if you don't mind," George replied and they exchanged their contacts.

"That was cool. What do you intend to do with her number?" Eric asked immediately after she left.

"I don't know, I just thought it was the best thing to do," George replied.

They communicated through text and calls but George never revealed his identity to Elena. He got admission into University a few months later and the school was just an hour drive from the private University where Elena also gained admission.

Their communication got deeper while in the University and Elena's day wouldn't end well without speaking to George. One evening after class, she decided to call George.

"I think I am in love with you Daniel, it's been two years of friendship and yet, I can't even recognize you. If you truly value what we share, I want us to meet," Elena said to George after they exchanged pleasantries.

George tried changing her mind but she was done postponing the meeting. He informed Eric about it and his response was, "I warned you"

George made up his mind to meet her and they agreed to meet over the weekend.

Elena arrived at the location first, she was impatient and couldn't wait to meet the faceless guy who won her heart. Elena felt stupid and wondered how she kept a friend for that long.

Immediately George arrived there, he walked passed Elena because he wasn't sure how she would handle the situation. Elena recognized him and just muttered, "What's this Elepe boy doing here?"

She didn't say hello neither did George. He waited for a few more minutes before he summoned the courage to meet her.

"Hi," George greeted as he dragged the chair to sit with Elena.

"I didn't permit you," She snapped at him.

"Do you remember me?" He asked.

"Even if I lost my senses, I can't forget what the faces of Elepe boys look like" she replied.

"Is that how much you hate us? Would you treat us this bad if we weren't from Elepe," George asked

"I am here for someone special, please don't ruin my mood before he arrives," Elena replied.

***"Anyway, I am George the guy you know as Daniel and all this drama is the only reason I choose not to meet you. Just being born in Elepe is the problem, I guess it all ends here," George said to Elena who was too shocked to speak.

"I saw this happening, Eric warned me too but I'm happy to have been part of your life for a short time," George told Elena how he had always felt about her and he left since she wouldn't speak to him.

Days passed and Elena wouldn't reply to his messages or calls. He felt bad and wished he hadn't played such a game with her.

Eric advised George to forget about Elena but it was difficult for him.

The year ended and George went home for holiday. He was busy on his phone one evening when he received Elena's message.

"Can we have dinner together today at Inkwell restaurants by 6 p.m.?"

George's eyes were filled with tears and his hand trembled as he replied, "Yes
George didn't believe his eyes and that was the beginning of their beautiful love story.

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