I am going to die.... #62

" So this special invitation is only for you, and we all want to see you there, as you know, you are a life of the party."

She stretched her hand, and gave her a beautiful invitation card, which was decorated with white and blue pearls. Actually the office mate of Roma, came to her place to specially invite her for the party she held for her engagement, and all her office mates were invited there.

The reason behind this special invitation was the amusing personality of Roma, who was very lively and a fun maker. She was used to adding a fun wibe to everyone she meet, so no one can feel bored in her company. Actually she was the most comic person, who can entertain the audience by adding jokes and amusing situations.

"I would definitely come there, as you know I can't miss an opportunity to have a splendid meal....Lollll"

She laughed hardly, while offered a cup of tea to her mate, who came to invite her. After having gossips for half an hour, her mate said goodbye to her, and left for her home.

Roma picked the card up, and had a deep sigh, and placed her head on it, while her eyes were closed.

"A comic person, a life of the party...Ahhhhh...I am not, I am not."

Anyway, the day arrived, and she wore a beautiful Long Net Embroidered Gown, which was gifted to her by her mom. It was free-flowing long dress, which she always held close to her heart, as her mother was not in this world. She was only child of her parents, and living alone after her parents death.

She decided to wear matching jewelry with the dress, so she opened the drawer in a haste as it was already too late. While she was searching for matching jewelry, a diamond ring fell on the floor.

"ring-5955466_1280.jpg" https://pixabay.com/photos/ring-diamond-ring-jewelry-5955466/

It was a beautiful white gold diamond ring, which given to her by her boyfriend. While she picked the ring up, she walked down to the memories' lane.

Tears roll down from her cheeks, and it was the result of the footprints he left on her heart. Actually she was deeply in love with her boyfriend, but he cheated on her, and run with another woman. He never cared for her true love, and left her alone. So now the fresh water of those bitter memories, have spurted once again.

"woman-1006100_1280.jpg" https://pixabay.com/photos/woman-desperate-sad-tears-cry-1006100/

Soon her eyes turned red, and she was feeling a great difficulty in breathing, and had Coughing and wheezing attacks. She can clearly feel the shortness of breathe, as she was the Asthama patient.

"Inhaler, I need Inhaler, but where is it? Where I kept it last time?"

She run to look in the drawer, but couldn't find inhaler, as chest tightness and pain was continuously increasing. She tried hard to find, but couldn't, and no one was there to help her. She was lost in his memories, and lied on the floor helplessly.

"photo-1486401049719-c73f3d070305.jpeg" https://unsplash.com/photos/qgh5tuELdx4

"I gave you my heart, my life, my trust, my love and everything, but you turned my life into hell. Are you listening? You turned it into hell."

Wheezing attacks were worsening slowly, her eyes and cheeks were red, and tears were shedding from her eyes.

"I wore a mask, to hide the pain you gave to me. See! she said, I am the most comic person, and the life of party, but she never knew, I am a broken soul, defective, and unworthy of being love."

Her body temperature was dropping, and heartbeat was irregular. She was dying slowly. Finally she was going to get rid of this world, in which her every day was fake, and she was hiding her feelings under false appearance. She utter some words, and her breathing stopped,

"My heart was made to be broken, so I am going to die."

"photo-1525169267298-12532cf95139.jpeg" https://unsplash.com/photos/MtBsjmC4RT0

She was dead! Thanks for reading.

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