
The famous City Auditorium of the city of Kolkata was packed with the audience, and Inter-school dancing competitions were held.

Boys and girls from different schools in the city came to the venue on behalf of their schools, accompanied by their managers and dancing teachers, to participate in the competitions.

According to the age of the children, dance competitions were organized by dividing them into categories, first 15-16 years old children danced, then 15 years old children danced. The scintillating performances by many children enthralled the audience and the judges.

The parents of the children were also present in the audience and they were enjoying the applause and appreciation they received for their children's performances.

Only then it was announced on the stage that now you sit with your heart, now a 7-year-old girl Himani will perform her classical dance in front of you.

Everyone was very curious that how a 7-year-old girl would do classical dance, but after a few moments, Himani gave a very graceful dance performance in the Indian dance form Bharatnatyam, there was silence in the whole hall, everyone was watching her dance. She was dancing like an experienced trained dancer.

After her dance, the entire auditorium erupted in thunderous applause. Everyone realized that no one can stop this girl from getting the first position. And in the end, the judges decided that Himani was given the first prize in her age group and also the first prize of the entire ceremony. Her dance was discussed in the whole hall.

After about three years, one-day Himani was skating outside her house, on the main road with her age- children, usually, big vehicles did not pass by while these children were skating. But that day suddenly a high-speed car came out of there and uncontrolled and collided with Himani.

The poor 10-year-old girl fainted after being hit by a car, the passers-by present there picked her up and immediately took her to the hospital and informed her parents. The tireless efforts of the doctors and after struggling for life for almost 24 hours, she could be brought back to consciousness , but the bones of right leg were shattered in the accident, so the doctors had to amputate that leg.

Himani was still admitted to the ICU and no one was allowed to access her, only she can be watch through a small glass door outside the ICU.

Heavy sedatives and painkillers were injected into Himani, due to which she did not feel that her right leg had been amputated when she regained consciousness. After about a week, completely free from the effect of painkillers and sedatives, Himani realized that she did not have her right leg, she felt it with her hand and could not feel her leg. She cried out loud, her parents were also standing there, they handled her with very great efforts . Then after 15 days, she was released from the hospital.

On reaching home, she became very sad and silent and used to stay in her room. Everyone in family was very sad to see her sadness and despair.



After 2 months one day, her father saw that she was trying to dance on one leg in her room, father's eyes welled up with tears. The next day, with the help of the internet, he searched for a doctor who would fit an artificial limb, and reached there with his daughter, the doctor assured him that he would soon make an artificial leg of Himani's size.

But the doctor also said that Himani would not be able to dance with that leg, she would only be able to walk.

After 15 days, the doctor fitted Himani with an artificial leg, and Himani reached home wearing it.

Reaching home after some days Himani started practising dance on it day and night as soon as her leg was fit, and her madness towards dance increased more and more. And then within a year, she started participating in competitions again.

Those people who came to know after the dance that one leg of this girl was artificial, used to get very surprised.



Then after a few years, Himani grew up to become the country's most famous "Bharatnatyam " dancer and she overcame her disability with her passion and faith.

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