The Ink Well prompt #101: Dear Me

Ruth asked her mother, "when would she be a woman her age." Her mother replied that her age is gradual and as the days go by she would grow up to become a woman.

that night after her mother served her dinner, little Ruth fell asleep, she was her mother's only daughter, Justina was a single mother. While Ruth fell asleep, Justina took her to her bedroom.

She returned to the visiting room to continue preparing her lesson notes, because tomorrow would be a work day.

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She heard a heavy storm and then opened the window, only to find that the rain had started to fall.

Little by little Ruth started talking while she was sleeping, Justina was confused, what could be the reason her daughter talked in her sleep, she came and turned on the lamp only to find Ruth smiling, still asleep.

She left her alone and went to the visiting room to continue her writing, Ruth had a dream where she saw herself as the woman she wanted, that makes her smile, she looks so beautiful in the dream and in the morning, her mother asked her.

"If she lately has any illness", Ruth replied "No". after they returned from school, Justina took her to the hospital, but Ruth said: "nothing is wrong with her, telling her mother to go home."

Justina was loaded, she didn't want anything bad to happen to her, but Ruth knows that what she is living is her own future, which will come when she reaches that age.

The other night, something like this happened again, Ruth started talking and a long smile fell on her face, in the morning, Justina invited a councilor to her house, but Ruth refused to cooperate with him.

After the man sometimes has to leave and maybe come back at another time, Ruth was strange to her mother, because she had definitely changed. That day she opened up to her mother by telling her “she started from the day she admired older women, she has been dreaming of what she would look like when she grew up.

But now she no longer wants to see those dreams, her mother was surprised because she did not expect her own daughter to also encounter something like that.

Some people said that Ruth may have a gift that has not been revealed yet, some people believe that she has a serious problem to solve with herself, but with all that they said, Justina has the answer to the situation.

Until that day came when the woman came and knocked on the door, Ruth's mom was in the bathroom and Ruth went to open the door, she immediately opened it, the woman whispered into her face, "don't be afraid Ruth, you are ours." Leader". after saying that she disappears.

Ruth was loaded and she ran to the bathroom, she stood next to her mom and couldn't move an inch, that was the day she started having fears, Ruth explains what she saw to her mom, Justina was surprised because she taught the black women Angels would not go that far.

The authorities were aware of the situation, so on the television channel that morning, they warned the general public about the angels of black women coming into the world, claiming that they are looking for a little girl who they will adore as their Queen.

Justina after watching the news, she took her phone and did some research on the black woman angels, because the last thing she heard from them was that their existence has vanished from the earth, she discovered that, every first of May, what happens to be the birthday of Ruth, the black women Angels would go out into the world and crown their Queen.

Because it was on that day that their leader, citikol, lost her life, Justina didn't want Ruth to have anything to do with the black women's angels.

She had the same problems when she was Ruth's age, so she followed the same methods her mother used to save her on Ruth. She changed her spirit and turned her into an old woman, which would make her not be accepted by the blacks women Angels.

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