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The wait.


Panting heavily, she sat down on the cement carved seat and pulled the earphones off her ears. Poured herself some water from the PET bottled water she had. She gulped so loudly letting some drop down her clothes. She was tired from the early morning jogging. The park looked deserted apart from an old lady taking a stroll with her Chihuahua and a few yoga enthusiasts all dressed in colourful yoga pants making it seem like it was an intentional yoga carnival.

The ripping sound of the fountain at the middle of the park made a burble as it travelled along its bed, bubbling over rocks and branches. Somehow it provided a soothing sound in the quiet scenery.

She closed her eyes and tried to take in more oxygen into her lungs. Gently she breathes in and out her hands shaking, her skin sweaty and her palms shaky. She had pushed herself to the limit today. She checked her watch, she had been jogging for an hour. Her best ever since she parked into the new town. She was transferred from her native hometown where she was based with her family to this conurbation with her salary increased.

She thought of her husband and kids and how they were faring. She felt guilty. She should have listened to her husband and stayed back. She should have rejected the promotion and transfer and stayed back. But on the other hand her family needed the money for them to survive. At the moment his husband had nothing to do. He was recently relieved of his work without any reason. He was a victim of the massive downsizing sweeping through the labour sector of every economy.

She recalled he had driven into the home garage that day earlier than he did looking dejected while she on the other hand had pulled up into the same home garage happy, ready to announce the good news to the family. But when she had switched off the ignition, got out of the car and rushed to meet her husband. She was met with a cold countenance. She asked what happened and there he opened up on the news. She consoled her husband but didn't tell him of her own good news yet. She didn't want him to feel any worse.

Two days later he found her promotion letter where she had left it carelessly. But instead of feeling bad he had encouraged her to take up the job and go without him and the kids yet, this was to enable her settle down fast. Then later when she was fully settled he will relocate with the kids to be with her.

Today was the day her husband was to relocate with her kids. And she wondered how he has been able to cope with the kids' drama and stress. But she knows her husband, he was a strong man much stronger than her when it comes to handling the family. She was lucky to have him.

She looked round the park again and it was fuller with people now than earlier. The yoga enthusiast were all gone. She looked at her watch. She had been there for over an hour now. She had better hurry before her family arrives. Immediately she picked up her water and jogged her way home.


She got home, freshened and headed to make a welcome meal of her husband's favorite dish waiting for her family to arrive. Few hours later she was done. But her family was still not at the door. She longed for her kids in her arms. She really needed to smell her husband's cologne for the first time in months.

She called several times but was met with the voicemail. She got worried and wondered if her husband had reneged on his words. She looked at the wall clock and it was getting late. She wasn't worried again but scared. What could have happened? Are they safe.

Who was she to call? Just then she remembered Mrs Jones, her former neighbor , she was a very good friend of hers and was always known as a frequent visitor to their house.

She quickly phoned her and was told that her family had left early that morning so as to catch the first flight. She decided to wait a little more and when they didn't arrive she'll drive down to the police station. Few hours and nobody showed up she picked her keys and made out the door.

"Mummy!!" The kids yelled.

She turned and there they were her family. Alighting from the cab and her kids running straight into her arms. She felt peace.

Turns out their flight had been delayed due to some mechanical fault.

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