Learning The Hard Way

Learning The Hard Way


"Samuel," Mrs Hannah shouted from the compound.

"Yes Mommy," Samuel answered as he ran outside quickly.

"Me and your father will be going to the village for a meeting, ensure you wash the dishes and tidy the house before we return, okay?"

"Okay Mom," Samuel replied.

"Sam," she called him again while he was about to go back inside. "Look at me," she demanded, holding her left ear with her left hand. "Please, No friends, no skating until you are done with chores."

"Yes mom, noted" Sam replied. "See you when you are back. Bye mom, bye Dad," He added.

"Okay dear, bye," Mrs Hannah waved as she and her husband walked out of the house.

Samuel was the only child of his parents, yet, unlike other parents they decided to discipline Samuel, and also made him do some of the chores in the house.

They believed that true love for a child lies in the good morals he or she is given in life.

"These dishes are much today," Samuel grumbled, pushing his mouth forward when he entered the kitchen.

While he was still contemplating whether to start washing it right away or leave it for later, he heard a knock at the door.

"Who's there?" Samuel asked as he walked towards the door.

"Open up, it's Suzzy and Victor," a feminine voice responded on the outside.

"Hey guys, you came too early," Samuel said when he opened the door.

"Early, Sam? It's 8:00 Am, just tell us you don't want to go for the skate," Victor replied.

"It's not so, my Mom and Dad have been acting weird lately, choking me with chores. As we speak right now, I have some dishes to wash and the house to tidy up before they return from the village, else I'll be in trouble," Samuel responded.

"Obedient boy," Suzzy joked. "my parents won't try that with me, I'll just feign sickness and they will let me be."

Hmm, Victor sighed, "Samuel, are we doing this or not?" Victor asked, looking at Samuel directly in the eye.

"Guys, guys, I don't want to get punished," Samuel responded.

Oh, Sam! Victor exclaimed, "It won't even take more than thirty minutes. Well, if you won't go with us it's fine, we will leave. Suzzy, let's go," he added, hanging his bag on his shoulder, losing all the smile on his face.

"Okay, fine, wait for me," Samuel said as he ran inside and picked up his skating shoes and his backpack. "Thirty minutes," he kept emphasizing as he locked the door.

The three of them went out and skated at one of the newly tarred roads in the neighborhood, having so much fun until Samuel forgot that he had chores at home.

Some hours later, while they were resting and interacting, Samuel's phone began to ring, and instantly, he remembered the chores.

"Guys, I am doomed," he shouted, while he struggled to remove his phone from his pocket. "It's my Mom, what do I do?" he asked

"Picked up," Suzzy advised.

"Where are you, Samuel?" His mom asked when he picked.

"I..., I," Samuel stuttered on the phone.

"Get back home right now," his Mom sounded harsh as she hung up.

"Am in trouble guys, I told you, I told you I won't do this, Victor you see?" Samuel blamed Victor as he arranged his things.

"We are sorry Sam," Suzzy apologized. He looked at her quietly and didn't say a word but ran home.

"Good after sir, good afternoon ma," Samuel greeted his parents, with his voice breaking when he entered the sitting room.

"Where are you coming from?" The father asked, looking at Samuel like a hungry lion ready to devour its prey.

Samuel remained mute, his head bowed and his eyes facing the floor.

"We didn't stop you from going out there to have fun, but there is time for everything. The instruction was clear, Samuel, finish your chores then go and and have fun. Was that much to ask for?" His father scolded him.

"Am sorry sir," Samuel apologized, sounding faint.

"Well, you are forgiven but for the next three weeks, you are grounded, maybe that will teach you a lesson," the Father added and walked into his room.

"Now go and get the work done," his Mom told him after his father left.

"Okay ma," Samuel replied, pushing his mouth forward, as he dropped his backpack beside his door and headed to the kitchen.

After that experience, Samuel never again put his responsibility at the mercy of fun.

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