From A Clown To The Office 

From A Clown To The Office

Photo by Nishant Aneja

The harmattan wind was blowing causing the slide windows to vibrate continuously that Saturday morning while Thomas was on his bed thinking about how to raise money to celebrate Christmas with his family.

He continued changing positions from left to right on the bed and hissing.

"Honey, what is wrong with you?" Bridget asked, after observing him for some time.

"Babe, you are awake, it's nothing. Please go back to bed, you need some rest. You did a very great work yesterday at the farm you shouldn't wake this early," he replied.

Bridget, fixed her eyes on him, maintaining eye contact, her head resting on one of her hands without saying a word.

"Babe, don't give me that look please, you are making me uncomfortable." He stepped down from the bed and opened his arm, "I am fine as you can," he displayed, trying to convince her that nothing was wrong.

"Thomas, do I look like our little Danielle to you? It's evident that you are not okay. Please talk to me, I am your wife. What is wrong with you?" She asked.

Hmm, Thomas sighed deeply then sat down, "Babe, Christmas is just a few days from now and we have nothing to celebrate with. We are definitely going to be having guests as usual, it would be very insulting for people to come over hoping to get something only to discover that there's nothing in the house.

Look at Danielle, I couldn't get her anything for the celebration, I know she is full of expectations right now. After this, school resumes, how do I even settle her fees? I am hurt babe, I am hurt," he replied putting his head down.

"Is that what is bothering my baby? Don't worry okay? Everything will be fine, I understand how you feel. Honestly, since you lost your job things have not really been going well for us but they say, there is hope for the living.

Instead of worrying and beating yourself too hard, let's think of something for you to do as you keep searching for a new job," She replied.

"Babe, what do I do? I am not God to come up with an idea that would yield results at the eleventh hour, I am confused right now", he responded.

"I know but we never can tell, anything can happen, okay? let's not give up. How about, scouting around for a delivery job? I mean, this is the Christmas season, I am sure, such jobs would be needing workers currently, what do you think?" She suggested.

Thomas remained quiet.

"Hello, Mister, are you listening at all?" She drew closer to him and waved her hand over his face.

He grabbed her hand and smiled, "Yes of course. I just thought of something and I am so sure it would yield fast but you might not like the idea," Thomas replied.

Hmm, "Alright spill first," she answered.

"Okay, baby, how about being a clown, going from house to house and wishing people well? It's the festive season, the season of giving, it would be fun, and it would fetch us a lot of money. I have seen people do that while I was young, he responded.

"What? Are you crazy?" She shouted. Thom, you were the assistant chief executive officer of the Addex oil company, how come you forget that so soon? Think of your prestige, I would never consent to that, gosh," she moved away from him and sat on the other side of the bed, folding her hands with her face tight.

"Thomas walked to her and squatted down, babe it will just be for a few days, and that's all. I'll wear a custom that will masquerade my identity, trust me, it will work," he plead

"But babe," she tried to object again.

Shhh.. he placed one of his fingers on her lips and told her, "Trust me on this one."

She protruded her mouth and said, "Fine, it's okay, it's what you want, I can't stop you. When do you intend to begin, Me clown?"

"Since tomorrow, is 23rd December, I intend to start tomorrow. Many people would be home," he replied.

Thomas was the assistant chief executive officer of the Addex oil company, one of the best oil companies in the North.

He was doing very well and the company was growing until a few weeks ago, when his colleagues set him up by embezzlement of some money which later got exposed.

When they were arrested, they falsely accused Thomas of being part of the deal. Although the boss didn't jail Thomas because of how much he liked him he dismissed him from work and seized all his properties leaving him with just the house in which he lives in.

Since then, life has been very difficult for Thomas and his family, he didn't let his wife do any job while he was working. The little savings his wife has was exhausted in settling some family bills subsequently, life became very bitter for them. They couldn't get any job at the moment because it was already a few weeks to another year, and most organizations were already on break.

The following day, Thomas and Bridget woke up as early as possible, she dressed him up in her clothes, a big red skirt, a big white packing shirt with a red tie, and oranges for breasts.

She inserted some foam on the buttocks making it swell. After that, she wore him one of her old human hair, and made his face up, then painted his beard white.

When she was done, she gave him a big bag then brought a mirror and handed it to him to see how he looked. "What do we call this one? a Santa or a Zanta? Thom, even those clowns in Nollywood are finer than you look right now, she teased him and they both laughed.

"Let's not wake Danielle please," Bridget interrupted.

"So, see you when I am back okay? Take care," he whispered and waved her as he went out through the back door after verifying that no one was watching him.

He didn't display around his vicinity but went to the neighboring area, some children kept running upon seeing him while some called him "Papa Lolo" and kept following him wherever he went.

He went to places where children were gathered on the street and he was welcomed by some kids and some parents. He wished them a Merry Christmas in advance and beat a rubber bucket he held as a drum for the kids and they were so Happy.

Thomas ended up not going from house to house to beg, he had a second thought on how embarrassing that would be. So, he just had fun with the kids he met on the way and returned home. He felt so happy about everything, some of the children begged him to return the next day and he consented.

Arriving home that evening, Bridget ran and hugged him. She collected the bag and the rubber bucket he held and threw them away and she held him close.

"Babe, what's the matter?" he asked, looking at her weirdly.

"Honey, good news, she replied and began sobbing.

"What good news, comes with sobbing dear?" He paused and asked.

"Forgive my manners, I can't help it, I am just so excited dear. Your boss called not long ago, he said, the accusations laid on you were false. Your colleagues confessed recently giving evidence, they dragged you into the matter because you refused to take part in it.

You have been restored to your position baby, everything that was taken from you would be restored in the double fold," she explained wiping tears from her face

"Are you trying to mock me or something?" I don't understand this kind of joke, Thomas queried.

"Just wait a minute," she ran inside and brought her phone and called the boss. "Sir, here is my husband," she told him when he picked up.

Thomas, grabbed the phone hastily, "Hello, good day sir," he greeted.

"Good day Thomas, it's Mr Walle, the chief executive officer of Addex oil company. We have gone through your case and discovered that you are innocent of the accusations laid upon you. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, please come over to my house tomorrow morning for more clarity. We are really sorry Thom, Mr. Walle apologized again.

After dropping the phone, Thomas shouted "Yes," hugged his wife and they walked into the sitting room together.

Thomas was restored to his office, his life got back, this time around he didn't hesitate to get a job for his wife as well. Although He has everything now, he always wishes he could fulfill his promise of going to entertain those kids once more but his job won't let him.

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